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DNS Issues

Community Gaffer
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Re: DNS Issues

@medgoode & @Jherhome1 - I believe I updated both of your devices in response to posts of yours elsewhere. Shout if that's not the case.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Registered: ‎24-05-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Thanks, @bobpullen! I'm currently away for a week, so I'll check when I get back.
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎11-06-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Hi, we are having this same issue. Reported now to the support team for a second time. 

any chance you could push this update to our router.


thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: DNS Issues

@stux - that's been done.

You'll need to reboot the router at your side to apply the update.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎30-06-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Having the same issues here, for months. I’ve been ok with my devices as I’ve changed the DNS settings, but this didn’t work for my partner’s smartphone or for our smart TV, so having to reboot the router daily.

Any chance of a firmware update here as well? 😊

Community Gaffer
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Re: DNS Issues

@gemloubro - that's been done for you. You'll need to restart your router to apply the update.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Registered: ‎12-12-2016

Re: DNS Issues

Possible to get the latest firmware pushed as well? Still on .263 Smiley


Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: DNS Issues

@Phantom - that's been done. You'll need to restart your router to apply the update.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎22-07-2021

Re: DNS Issues

I'm having the same issues aswell, on the same firmware. Would it be possible to push the update to me please?

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎24-07-2021

Re: DNS Issues


Could I have the latest firmware that looks like it resolves DNS issues as well please. If you can send it,

do I need the router to be connected to the internet (it normally isn’t unless I’m using the PC) or is it sufficient to be just powered on with a broadband connection?

I'll explain why I think I need the firmware below:

Ever since I changed from a Plusnet Hub Zero to a Plusnet Hub One router I have had the following issues:

  1. My internet security software blocks Microsoft and Intel Web certificates saying they are invalid. These appear to be signed by Cloudflare.
  2. When not signed onto the internet, I often get a web page open where Windows would try to open and fail and I’d have to then close the browser window.
  3. Very occasionally the router light would show blue but I couldn’t access web pages. If I disconnected and reconnected it would usually solve the problem.


Issue 1 was a major issue so I asked the internet security company to investigate. I sent them some traces when the issue occurred. They said that the issue is caused by the DNS setting which was set to the Cloudfare DNS IP address of whenever the error occurred. My LAN card was set to let the router assign the DNS IP address. They recommended setting the LAN card to use specific DNS IP addresses instead e.g. Google, or OpenDNS. When I did this, the problems all disappeared.


I then set the LAN card to use the specific DNS IP addresses that the Hub One claimed it would assign if asked to. These are and These appear to be Plusnet’s own DNS servers. Again, there were no problems. So I can only conclude there is a problem with the Plus One firmware in that it isn’t always assigning the above IP addresses all the time and somehow Cloudflare’s DNS servers are being used instead.


It reinforced my view when I did nslookup firstly with the router providing automatic DNS assignment then with the Plusnet DNS servers hardcoded on the LAN card:


With the Hub One providing DNS address:


Server:  dsldevice.lan



Non-authoritative answer:


Addresses:  2a04:4e42::81





With the LAN card with hardcoded Plusnet DNS addresses:





Non-authoritative answer:


Addresses:  2a04:4e42::81





My firmware is version | Last updated 27/03/19.



Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: DNS Issues

@Harddrive and @andyontheweb - I've just pushed an update to each of your devices. You'll need to power them off/back on at your side to apply it.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎24-07-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Thanks Bob for sending the firmware update which I now have running following the router power off/on.

Unfortunately the Software version | Last updated 27/07/21 firmware hasn't solved issue 1 or 2 but I am grateful nevertheless for your help in trying to solve them. For now, I'l go back to hardcoding Plusnet's DNS servers on my LAN card.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: DNS Issues

@Harddrive something else is going on then.

1. If you're relying on the router's DNS forwarder, then there is no way DNS can be set to Cloudflare/ - there is simply no way to do this and Plusnet have no affiliation with Cloudflare at all. Neither can the router really cause certificate validation errors when visiting websites.

2. Microsoft machines tend to do this when they detect there is no underlying Internet connectivity. Again, highly unlikely to be a direct result of anything the router is doing.

I do wonder if you're connected to a VPN when some of these issues occur? When using a VPN, a lot of what you rely on for connectivity/DNS becomes the responsibility of the VPN tunnel, rather than anything we or the router we have provided are doing Huh

Edit: Also - have you changed the IP address of the router? Your nslookup suggests it's querying which is not the default IP of the routers we provide.

Edit again: Are you using powerline adapters?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎24-07-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Hello Bob

Thanks for trying to assist further.

I'm not using a VPN but my internet security system probably has more hooks into the system than most. That is what was complaining about Microsoft and Intel SSL security certificates and Cloudflare, so that's why I raised the issue with them and they said the issue was DNS related and to hardcode a DNS on the network card - which seemed to workaround the problem.

Then when I saw this forum mention DNS bugs in early Plus One firmware, which I had, i thought that could be the problem and hence asked for the latest which you duly sent. Also the fact that I only started seeing the problems since I changed to the Plus One router from the Plus Zero (2704).

I have indeed changed the IP address of the router to This is because I have a few legacy devices on my home network which have hardcoded IP addresses in the 192.168.0.nn range.

I'm not using powerline adapters. The phone line goes to the master socket which I plug the Plus One into. I then use a LAN cable direct to the PC from the Plus One.

I've gone back to hardcoding the Plusnet DNS addresses on the LAN card and the problems have once again gone so I'll stick with that.

Once again, many thanks for trying to solve the issue.

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-08-2021

Re: DNS Issues

Hi @bobpullen ,

I'm experiencing the DNS issues discussed here but I'm using a BT Home Hub 6 (Not the business version). Is there anything you can do on my side regarding firmware updates?

Changing the DNS server to did fix the issue on my personal laptop, however, I can't change this on my work laptop and other devices.

I can't use the Plusnet hub as the Wi-fi connection isn't the best for distance devices.
