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So disappointing

Posts: 3
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Registered: ‎23-03-2017

So disappointing

I rang Plusnet on 15 February to switch my business broadband account which I no longer need, to domestic fibre.

I have been a Force9/Plusnet customer for years and expected the usual excellent levels of servce I have had to date.

I'm due to be connected to fibre on 30 March, assuming that they manage to re-order my router and send me a correct one by then.

When I'm finally connected I will lay out in detail the ineptitude and incompetence of some support staff, and systems.

I nearly went with BT, I wish I had, it was only a little dearer.

Those who remember Gerald Ratner will know that he ruined his business by selling "[-Censored-]" and admitting he did. Seems to me Plusnet, by their actions are doing pretty much the same..

Its no good in 2017 to be cheap - folk demands good setrvice at any price. Especially if you shout about it on the telly!

My next door neighbour was impressed with the package I got. I cant recommend Plusnet to him. What a shame.

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Re: So disappointing

Hi there @T0nyb I am really sorry to hear of the delays you're encountering. I can see your fibre order is in progress for the 29th March. Please let us know how you get on and if you have any further issues please don't hesitate to contact me.

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Registered: ‎23-03-2017

Re: So disappointing

So I finally got my fibre and line rental etc.

to be fair the speed I am getting is better than I expected given that I am in the back of beyond a fair way away from the cabinet.


Kudos to BT for upgrading the infrastructure.


Kudos also to BT for doing what they said they would, when they said they would. The only part of this process that has been pleasurable is the interaction with BT. Makes me wonder...


I intended to give a blow by vblow breakdown of the difficulties I encountered but frankly I cant be bothered.


I have just been on the phone yet agsain to support as Plusnet have charged me too much on my first invoive by £7.49.


I have to pay the amount Plusnet have claimed by direct debit and wait for a refund.


This time its £7.49, last time Plusnet invoiced me wrong it was for £14.99.


So twice now Plusnet have had my money and I have had to wait for it back.


They also asked me to ring BT because they believed when I spoke chasing that BT had put a block on the line. Actually Plusnet had. I asked the advisor I spoke to if he had a number for me to call BT. He wasn't able to give me one.

I am posting verbatim the ticket which was raised to deal with my complaint. At the time I did not have fibre.


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[CSA Removed] - CSC Analyst
8:56pm, Tuesday 21 Mar 2017
Dear Mr Bennett,

Thanks for your time over the phone today.

As requested I have opened a complaint on your behalf in reference to ticket 145826549; you mentioned during our call that you were unhappy with the advice you received from my colleague in reference to this ticket as you were asked to contact BT for seemingly no reason. I understand that you are unhappy that you have incurred call charges as a result of this advice. As agreed during our conversation, you can give the full details of your complaint by replying to this ticket, this will then be queued for further investigation on our side.

Kind regards,

[CSA Removed]

[Email notification sent to: [Removed]]
Your Response
9:12am, Thursday 23 Mar 2017
I was asked to ring BT by the assistant in the referenced question.

It seems in hindsight that this was a complete waste of my time and cost £7.66.(screenshot of call log attached).

I would like thois charge refunded to my Plusnet account.

Also the thread mentionned was closed when it was designed to be open until 20 March at 6.30pm. I'm sure this was intended as a trigger to set in motion an order for the fibre service. Why was it closed early?

In the end I had to ring and spend yet another hour on the phone on Tuesday to discover that the fibre had not been ordered. It now has, but I doubt it would have if I had not chased.

I will be raising a complete complaint when my order is finally completed.

Regrettably it seems that forum posts across various internet sites about Plusnet service are correct. In ,my experience you seem to have some inept people and systems which simply do not work for trhe benefit of customers.

I have been a Plusnet customere for many years and am sad to write this.
Your Response
9:12am, Thursday 23 Mar 2017
Uploaded file attachment.

Name: 2017-03-23.png

Type: image/png

[CSA Removed] - CSC Analyst
1:51pm, Thursday 23 Mar 2017
Dear Mr Bennett,

Thank you for your message.

I can see the Fibre broadband is now activated and is ready to use.

The reason for the mentioned ticket was closed was the fact this ticket was about the orders and the progress of it.
Once an order was complete and the service gone live this ticket is closed with no further actio0n required.

I hope this answers your question.

Kind regards,

[CSA Removed]

[Email notification sent to: [Removed]]
Your Response
2:10pm, Thursday 23 Mar 2017
More nonsense, ineptitude and incompetence from Plusnet.

I suggest you check your facts and get back to me again.

To save you time I'll check your facts for you:

The fibre is not yet connected, is not active and is scheduled to connect on 30 March.

I have just received the wrong router which is having to be replaced.

You have made no mention of the charge refund I requested. Are Plusnet in the habit of ignoring their customers?

Please refer this to someone more senior to you who might be able to give me a considered and accurate response.

Thank you
[CSA Removed] - CSC Analyst
11:43am, Friday 24 Mar 2017
Dear Mr Bennett,

Thank you for your recent enquiry,

Unfortunately we are unable to cover this cost that you have requested as there is a freephone number available to contact BT (0800800150) and 150 from a BT line.

Kind regards,

[CSA Removed]

[Email notification sent to: [Removed]
Script User - Automated Script Pool
6:11am, Saturday 8 Apr 2017
Question closed automatically after 14 days of inactivity.
So twice Plusnet have had my money and I've had to wait for a refund and they wont regfund me a call charge incurred by their incompetence.
Rant over.
My advice: keep copies of everything and download hard copies of tickets if you have to use them.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): CSA names removed as per Forum rules.

Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Personal information removed from a public forum.

Posts: 3
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎23-03-2017

Re: So disappointing

And Plusnet


You sent me the wrong router.


It comes with a prepaid bag to return it.


Why the incur extra cost sending me out another prepaid return bag.


And of course, dont bother thanking me in advance for going to the post office in my time and sending it back to you.



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 116
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Registered: ‎02-05-2017

Re: So disappointing

Hello T0nyb , I'm sorry to hear that you have been sent 2 bags, this was a technical error on our part for which I am very sorry, if you haven't already sent the old router back then just pop the spare bag in with it and send them together. If you have sent the router and still have the spare bag then you can either just keep it and use as you see fit or dispose of it, again, please accept my apologies for this, if you need any further help then let me know via this forum.                    

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Re: So disappointing

Could have been worse. @T0nyb

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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine