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Re: Utterly Appalling so far

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎17-07-2018

Re: Utterly Appalling so far

I am having exactly the same issue in being unable to get things done without ringing people!

While I don't have a hearing impairment, I don't have access to a phone (at all...) and I can't get something very simple sorted that only involves two internal departments speaking to one another!


I feel your pain...

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Re: Utterly Appalling so far

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Post split from old topic for relevance and better visibility
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Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎17-07-2018

Re: Utterly Appalling so far


I have real problems using telephones and have to rely on text based communication for the most part. It makes handling issues incredibility frustrating and time consuming. Something that could be resolved with a quick conversation with someone can take hours to make any progress.


I really wish that companies would consider disabilities more - making a website accessible (as plusnet has) is one thing but having communication flows that work for people with disabilities would be fantastic. Most don't.


(As an aside - PlusNet chat, real pain to use at times).