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Purecard activation

Posts: 9
Registered: ‎29-10-2019

Purecard activation

At the end of my tether. If a community member is reading this and has access to my correspondence you will see that I've had more than a few problems with Plusnet since signing up a few weeks ago. When my prepaid card arrived in the post today I thought maybe things were going my way for once, but I was premature. Now I'm beginning to think there's a plot to drive me mad. If so it's working.

Tried to activate the card. Activation failed. Tried again. And again. Lost count of times I tried. Did it really carefully to make sure everything done according to instructions. Failed again. Story of my Plusnet life. Contacted Purecard customer services using phone number provided. Why did I think this would help? After going through menu after menu during which an automated voice offered suggestions none of which applied I was left with the single option of returning to the main menu and it was Groundhog Day in Purecard land.

Phoned again. Same result. And again and again. Eventually a menu changed (!) and I was offered the option of speaking to someone for the first time. Just press star key. How did this happen? Why hadn't it happened before? A friendly Indian gentleman said he would help and wanted to know what kind of card it was. Plusnet, I told him. Oh, he said. There's a special department for them. I might have guessed. One where customers go to die, foaming at the mouth. The nice man said he would have to transfer me. I got a bad vibe. Can't think why.

Waited for someone to pick up. Waited some more. Then guess what. Back to the original menu with no option to speak to anyone. Phoned again. And again. You get the picture. Screamed a bit. Ranted to my wife. Thought of self harm. Tried the email option for customer services. Told them what had happened. Gave them a phone number to ring me. Automated response. We'll try to respond within 7 days. Alternatively, try this phone number. Ah, that looks a familiar number. Think I saw it on the door to Dante's ninth circle of hell.

Had clever idea. I know how to fox them. Rung said number again. This time pressed key for lost and stolen cards and sure enough someone replied. Hurrah! Nice Indian lady this time. Tried not to sob relating my misfortunes. She didn't hang up, bless her. I begged her not to transfer me again but she had no choice. The special department was none other than Plusnet itself, she told me. And there was a special number to ring. She gave it to me, in case I was routed back to the menu again. I could try it myself. Sure enough, it didn't take long to get the main menu so I hung up and rang the number myself. What was the point? It just leads to the main menu every time. It's a loop. You can't kill yourself in Groundhog Day. There's no progress and no escape. It really is hell. I'm there now. You just can't hear me scream.

There's £75 on that prepaid debit card. It was promised as part of the deal I signed up to with Plusnet. But it might as well be in the Andromeda galaxy for all the good it's going to do me. I can't activate my card. There seems to be no fix I can access. Can I be the only one caught in this samsaric nightmare from which there is no awakening? Can anybody hear me? Help!








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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Purecard activation


@hope I dont know if this thread is any help

If you read that thread , apparently the website url on the card was not quite correct

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Posts: 9
Registered: ‎29-10-2019

Re: Purecard activation

Thanks. Problem solved.

Posts: 15,762
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Purecard activation

That's good to hear.

Happy to be of help

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 722
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Registered: ‎25-02-2019

Re: Purecard activation

Hi @hope, sorry for the inconvenience caused but we are glad that it has now been resolved.


Great thanks to @MisterW for helping out!

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