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Frustrating move experience!

Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Frustrating move experience!

Customer with Plusnet BB for 5 years, mobile for 1 year.


Called to confirm house move 21/12/18. Was told ready to go on 04/01/19 (moving date). The house has a working line.


Email then received saying 10/01/19 is the earliest.


By chance I rang today (on hold for one hour) to see if it would be ready when I get home, to be told the order had been cancelled (sounded surprised), and after much discussion it turns out Plusnet have inputted data incorrectly causing BT to cancel.


I now have to wait 2 days to find out when I will be 'live'.


This is absolutely appalling. No effort being made whatsoever to escalate or to speed up the process, no estimations of connection date, nothing.


I have rang up EE broadband today who said they could have me up and running within 7 days - why cant Plusnet do this?


Posting on here as I am sick and tired of being on hold for hours on end.



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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!

Plot thickens - just got off the phone to Sky broadband (considering my options) who have said fibre is not available in our area till late Jan? 

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Frustrating move experience!

Hi @Superdario I am sorry to hear about the issues with your house move orders.


I have checked your account to see if there is anything that we can do currently to speed up your activation and updated you further here

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Registered: ‎11-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!

@Superdario wait 'til you hear my story of woe! Smiley

So the move was on the 26th October. Initially Plusnet said they can deactivate and activate the same day as they could see a phone line connected there and no engineer visit is necessary. 3 weeks before the move, when we got the keys to the new place, I noticed that the phone box was hanging off the wall with a loose wire so I took a picture and sent it to their team saying perhaps an engineer does need to come?

So they said they booked an engineer for 29th and it will be sorted then. Fine, I thought, can live with that.

Openreach engineer came, installed a new box but said there is a problem on the line. No further visit will be necessary and it should be resolved within 48 hours. Weirdly, I have internet but at a vastly reduced speed and no dial tone.

5 days later I start worrying, 7 days I try to call. 40 minutes on call, no answer. Send a question online. Eventually someone called back said they have resolved the issue but need to send another engineer from Openreach.

Engineer came, said he needs to gain access to some cupboard. I tried whatever keys I have, no luck. He said, call your provider to sort it out. Alternatively they can run a cable outside the block and drill a hole through the wall to get it into the building. I say I will call and ask what's happening. My error. Or not.

Try to call, 30 minutes on phone. Wrong department, they put me through, 45 minutes wait, no answer. I trawl search results for the right esoteric combination of numbers to press when you place a call in order to get to the right people as the main options are useless. Eventually I find it, call, by some miracle answer almost straightaway. The guy has to go speak to Openreach a couple of times, we argue a bit as he tries to tell me that I have to arrange with the freeholder to get the keys so that Openreach can get to their infrastructure. I say this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard and that they are the ones providing the service and the engineers so they need to sort it out. The guy is polite on the phone, he speaks to a supervisor I assume and comes back to tell me I am right. He arranges for another engineer to come.

Openreach engineer comes. He knows nothing about the previous issues. Has the exact same problem getting access. Spends a few hours walking around the estate calling people and trying to figure it out. When I told him another engineer suggested a cable from the box on the wall up to us, this guy says this will do nothing as the problem is further in. We have the same polite argument as with the Plusnet person as to whose responsibility it is to arrange keys. In the end I say I will try and do it.

Plusnet then send me an email a few days later saying another engineer needs to come out and they will call. 5 days later, no call. I send a question via online. Someone responds saying I have to call, I respond saying I have no time for endless waits on the phone, can someone just call me. In the meantime I have spoken with a few people from the council, figured out how to ask for keys but they want to know when is the engineer coming etc. Try calling Plusnet again as no one is responding to my questions through MyPlusnet. Eventually get through to someone earlier this evening, they say they will put me through, the line goes dead. My workphone needs replacing so here I am.

@Satss, please help sort this out it is painful and unnecessary and I have been a customer for a few years. Please have someone call me. It will be 3 months at this rate before I can get my service...








Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Frustrating move experience!



That does sound frustrating, and it's unfortunate you had to deal with long waits (both on calls and also awaiting for a response on tickets) so I'm sorry about that.


I've had a look and the order is sat awaiting for another engineer to be booked so I can go ahead and book one. The earliest is showing as 22nd Jan onward, which considering it will need to be organised with the council is probably not a bad thing. So if you can update this ticket confirming if that's satisfactory for you and let us know on here we'll get that organised. It might also be worth providing any council contact details you might have who'll allow access to the distribution point.

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Registered: ‎11-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!

Thank you for the reply, @JOLO!

I have posted a reply to the ticket you linked. I also noticed there was a reply to the ticket I raised with the complaint though for some reason I did not receive a notification.

The 22nd onwards will be okay I guess, not like I have much of a choice. Please confirm date and I will advise the council team and forward you contact details afterwards. I understand that the engineer then goes to a one stop shop to collect the key. Also, please can we discuss the contract as I requested? I would like the 12-month contract for unlimited fibre extra for £27.99 from your current super sale rather than the product I was offered during the switch. Perhaps you can call me or email directly?

Thanks in advance,










Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Frustrating move experience!

Hi Panax@


I have updated you via ticket with your engineer appointment here


Please have a read over your open complaint ticket for more information.


Thank you.



Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!

Does anyone fancy actually replying to my original post? Roll_eyes


I want to be contacted regarding some form of refund or rebate as I am now not likely to be connected until the 22nd, a full month after I originally contacted Plusnet.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Frustrating move experience!

@Superdario, I've read your initial post and I'm sorry for the experience you've had, but unfortunately this doesn't change the fact of what has happened.

The initial order we placed with our suppliers failed due to "the cabinet not being ready" to provide you with fibre, which may either be that there's no capacity or we simply need to wait until your line is up and running before ordering the service.

You've mentioned that EE said they can get you up and running within 7 days. Unless they've gone to actually place the order with Openreach which I suspect is unlikely, its possible that they'd face the same issues once they had placed it.

I can see we've replaced the order for standard broadband instead and this is due to go live tomorrow before midnight. From there we'll place an order to upgrade you to fibre broadband unless there's no capacity at the cabinet.

As per our house move process, we'll also make sure we don't charge you for a service you haven't had.

Thanks for your continued patience and again I'm sorry for the issues you've encountered.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!



My issue is that I wasnt told that the order had been cancelled or that the cabinet wasnt ready, I had to find this out from one of your competitors, I was simply told (when I chased no connection), that 'information was entered incorrectly by Plusnet so BT cancelled' and the fibre order was replaced. I raised the possibility of the cabinet not being ready. 


I know the cabinet thing is out of your control, but misinformation and being incompetant is, I could have been connected with ADSL for over a week now had staff actually looked into the problem which I would have expected given I had to wait 20-45 mins on hold before I spoke to anyone.


Is the 3 months 'discount' on my entire bill price?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Frustrating move experience!

My issue is that I wasnt told that the order had been cancelled or that the cabinet wasnt ready, I had to find this out from one of your competitors, I was simply told (when I chased no connection), that 'information was entered incorrectly by Plusnet so BT cancelled' and the fibre order was replaced. I raised the possibility of the cabinet not being ready. 

I'm not sure why we couldn't have relayed this information over to you, because the notes on the cancelled fibre order clearly state: "Not possible to fulfil  An issue has been encountered during fulfilment : Cabinet not ready for this DN"

This wouldn't be how we've placed the fibre order as it's a relatively straightforward process. Fibre would've been showing as available as we placed it accordingly. Unfortunately when the order got through to the Openreach systems, past the front-end BTwholesale systems it looks like there was a problem.


I know the cabinet thing is out of your control, but misinformation and being incompetant is, I could have been connected with ADSL for over a week now had staff actually looked into the problem which I would have expected given I had to wait 20-45 mins on hold before I spoke to anyone.

Apologies for the experience you've had and the delay between the fibre order cancelling and replacing the order. I'll make sure feedback is passed on accordingly regarding this.


Is the 3 months 'discount' on my entire bill price?

It'll be discounted against your broadband service.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎11-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!


Apologies for hijacking your thread! I didn't intend for it to turn into what it did but it seems this forum is the only reliable way to get responses from CS.
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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!



This note was updated after my discussions with the team, the ticket on that day showed nothing until I chased the connection.


So I am still paying line rental despite having no service for a month and a heavily reduced speed for a number of weeks after? As well as 3 hours or more on hold over the last few weeks and having to do my own investigation into the problem? And using my own data whilst this issue is going on? (Currently 30% of my monthly allowance which rolled over on the 4th Jan!).


Can I arrange a callback please to discuss a resolution as I think a few quid being discounted is not acceptable given I have been a customer for 4.5 years and mobile customer for 1 year.

Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎10-01-2019

Re: Frustrating move experience!

@Panax dont worry about it, its a shame how the customer service (imo) has gone downhill, when I joined a few years ago it was second to none, now it seems that publicly posting about it is the only way to get a result. Nightmare!

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: Frustrating move experience!

I moved the support ticket on your account to my workflow to take ownership of this for you moving forward. Once this is resolved i'd be happy to call you back to discuss a resolution.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi