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Appointment moved -- Engineer couldn't gain access!

Aspiring Pro
Posts: 217
Thanks: 33
Fixes: 5
Registered: ‎19-12-2010

Appointment moved -- Engineer couldn't gain access!

I arranged some weeks ago for a provisional house move today. I was told I could change the date up to 48 hours before it was due. On 6th October I phoned again to say a move on 14th was unlikely and the date was put back to 23rd. I specifically asked the Order Updates handler to ensure this got through to the engineers as I've had previous experience of a cancelled order being implemented anyway! I was assured this had been done.

Today I received an e-mail telling me the engineer had been unable to gain access to install the new line and I would be charged for the missed appointment!

I spent an hour on hold waiting for Customer Services so I could sort this out, only to be told all systems were down and I would have to phone back later. I tried again this afternoon and received a message asking me to call back tomorrow.

I can't keep phoning. I'm trying to prepare to move house.


Aspiring Pro
Posts: 217
Thanks: 33
Fixes: 5
Registered: ‎19-12-2010

Re: Appointment moved -- Engineer couldn't gain access!

All I've got for the last few days is a recorded message telling me to phone back tomorrow.

I probably need to change my order again, but PN won't let me contact them to do that!