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Still here

Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎22-07-2020

Still here

But, written out what wanted and to be explained about my situation, and as went to copy it, as it was lengthy, but it told situation in a very satisfactory way. Now,I am shattered...feels like....damn those pesky kids!!!
They've really sticted me a unnecessary and petty way. Not professional or official did they handle this matter.
And,I'd just described it in it's most comprehensive and through manner.
Only to lose it all at very end. As I'm not well, it has really tired me out...all for nothing.
They cancelled my account.
I passed to 4 diff ppl,with 4 diff info...they contradicted each other. Once did it in same sentence he was speaking...No I didn't..he said,totally unaware of himself. I said...'oh yes,when you just said,etc,etc. He just shut up. As was true,and happened often. God all frustrating.
And I've got a confirmed working internet connection,but they won't let me on.
All without an explanation, just, it's an error.
Hmm,funny,after I complained about tech issue over days and days...getting ignored as in not addressing the prob,that they knew,as answered me on Instagram at one point, I lasttt.
Ahh,to no avail and it I was getting more frustrated, and I was saying, I can see me leaving, as there's no help...ignored...but ur taking my money for a service u promised ud give...and it's been away below par.
Now bin cancelled, tho, made it look like me.As, in found this email, after waking up on sat to no internet?
And, it ssid....We're sorry you've decided to leave us. I'M..WOT??? In wot reality ,did this happen? And in same email,it ssid,your internet will stop 17th...this being 18th. Wow, usually either side theres a cooling off period...this was immediately.
I said, if you'd actually done something about all messages I sent that needed tech help....but ignored a load of them....and decided pick up on,I was at point of leaving.
This is ridiculous.
I said I NEVER formally said I was leaving...and read it in the context of the messages, that were truly fustrated in the end,then it's part of frustration from ob wot I was currently writing about.
How dare you, assume I had cancelled my account.
And how dare you cancel it....unless, I officially and formally email wanting to close my account with you,and being specific on that point. Then its not a cancellation. God,God...get professional or act like it at least. Instead of this petty,immature attitude...its so disappointing when you see and say what they do.
I called, in 2 calls got 4 diff ppl,all saying something diff from each said he'd get me bk online that day.....which was perfectly poss, got connection to Internet that's a good connection, was told it even said,on their site.
All this stupidity, instead, actualy doing what exactly the job in your this. Absolutely awful.
And not one person cud give me a proper explanation and reasonable answer why it happened.
Damn, u can't, NOT know.
But I kept getting told its an error....well explain this error....but no...they wouldn't...cause they didn't know how to say they had messed up.
When last,ice cold attitude person came on and from them all,so for 4th time...I get....And,how can I help you? I've been on this phone, for so long...there's no way you don't know...and if you don't, I can't for 4th time start to explain it all again. I said,we're going round in circles(because they never answered bona fide questions),
and their answers made no sense.
So now,I have to start a brand new contract,what a true palaver. There was/is no need for me to start new contract, had other one for yrs. But ,this error occurred, that's all I got,an error.
I found it very coincidental that it happened at this precise time, I was not surprised, put it that way.
And read on my account just now, that there's a statement saying..."You choose option if printing out Direct Debit.And that's now delaying getting bk on line, until I've done that.
Now...There is NO WAY I said I would print anything out....THAT'S A LIE, as I NEVER print....I avoided anything that involves printing. As I don't have a printer or access to one.
Show me where I said or agreed to do that. Show me! As damn lie....I NEVER PRINT, that goes 100%...this is stomach churning.
This is how treat customers, all this foolishness, misleading..immature attitude. If u put quater effort u put into this foolishness, then there'd be a lot of customers who are actually helped with any issues they are having...but no. Instead, quick send ,tickets, block ppl,be offensive in way u are prepared to say whatever at the time,truth or not.
As I said to this cold,hard voiced woman...i was told b online later today.
Damn, nr a pantomime, as she boomed...'Oh No ur not'.... Excuse me? at least 7-10days at least....was told by another def b bk on last nite. And, wud u believe it, no...there,was a Delay,but never explained what it usual.
This women said,I've got to order things....I ssid what are Things? I was told...."Just things''s incredibly unorganised and unbelievable inefficient, rude, and more.
Plus,if ur one that has to order things that I need to get on internet....then in gods name,why wasn't I put thro to you on 1st call? As it would only go ahead thro you and get on with it. But that's point.
Yeah....someone pls teach them the real meaning of Customer Service.
We,had businesses for 40yrs,and never would we ever be so off hand and glib with any cutomers.
You,helped,and stayed with prob,till solved....couldn't pass buck,and was face to face....not they have phone to talk to, no its all getting worse. Even trying find,a workable email now,or phones, so far at least's almost now * what's the point. Very little gets resolved. Oh ofcourse had issues fixed in past. But, it's like using now and arrow while very....very hit or miss.
There was NO reason to start me as new customer and void my old account...outrageous
Said,they'll use my old router,as it'sup and running with a good connection....I know it is....r they taking the Pepsi?
At 1st said, yes,ofcourse...damn,bet u could get me on rite now....but cant have it too quick, let them know,we can do what want,and use any, excuse or in this excuse.
But,seeing these new routers are more up to date with the tech,as mine is few yrs old....and if I'm having to wait as long...then as new customer,I get a new router with I think really it's included.
It's been terrible.
Got at least one sorta affable guy yesday on phone....he told me go on bt wifi hotspot,as ob he was looking it up,and yes was one at bk of me.I bought day he said at least u'll get internet until connected tomorrow (which is now last night,and 9.35 and not on web).He said I'd b reimbursed, so ,yeah, I'll go it a go lol. But,made account, got app...spent nrly 2-3 hours messing with it....and already wondered why,if that was there why wasn't it already shoeing up in wifi list? Which it didn't, even using app,etc.
Also,realised,my wifi list has really slimmed down...really strange...I used to get list the diff wifis around here.Now,ONLY get nxt dr showing...wheres the others?
He also said,if need to,buy some data and we'll reimburse you also,I hope I don't need to.
But,I noticed today,he said ,I put it in with ur act,wen it starts,it's in there to reimburse.the money.Thank you,that's very nice.
But,I bought that only because I'm not on my own provider. And that money so be reimbursed in it's own right,even tho cos of the internet's outside any account or would not be buying it as an extra,so that should be an independent action.But, they are fly.
I'm fed up with thus,god,I was so much more articulate in other post.
Now, have illness,and the stress out of something so unnecessary...and the hours spent on it goes on and on.
As for that statement, I chose to print this thing out....not in a million yrs. But, why wasn't any necessary emails containing essential info and updated all the time as to what is happening?
Plus,I have the.calls recorded, not deliberately, but from old app,that still works in bkground,and as it never.flags anything up...I forget about it until it quickly catches my eye. If had £ 4 everytime I've said,oh gotta.delete that as I'm busy with something...hmm the islands I could buy myself.
If someone can give me any info that could guide me,I'd be very grateful. As I've a queasy feeling,about hidden costs,etc.
Shouldn't have to be in this position....and I rely heavily on the inter bcos of my everyday, they have inexplicable delay,and keeps me longer without Internet, how difficult it my day is.
They could had me on all this time, they were very unprofessional in not addressing prob......and esp so, in sending me that email that I was leaving. Wot a big trip up with a customer that any company.
But, wud u believe, she also told me,once bk on internet, then get in touch and get the IT to sort my prob out. So it will not
be addressed or fixed in new account. The problem will still be there....and the very thing that set this stone full of moss on it's way, was the very tech prob I'd already been telling them about.
Good Morning to everyone...have a lovely day.
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Re: Still here

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Posts: 8
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Registered: ‎22-07-2020

Re: Still here

Nothings changed got worse. Get no explanation.
Told make new account ,when did not want to.
Been disabled my access....WHY?
Nothing wrong with connection.
Nobody will take effort to sort it out.
Keep getting passed to another dept, who never answer the phone,last 3 attempts they have not answered. Two of those being a hour long, still no answer.
Then when call back, I strangly and by coincidence,,at that point,say too busy, call later or tomorrow. Can't keep putting it off, and not getting it sorted out.
I have been offline 9 days now,and no closer to them getting me back online...
Or being giving info of what is happening.
Say it's an error,but won't explain what the error is. The error is You closed /stopped my account when you shouldn't have. You made big mistake...but won't be professional enough to actually address it.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Still here

Hi @Jaqs63,


Thanks for getting in touch.


I'm really sorry to hear of the issues you described and apologise for any inconvenience or distress this has caused you.


I called you today and we discussed the issues, which I have addressed here.


I trust this is satisfactory for now, and I will be in touch as discussed in our conversation.


If you have any further queries, please come back to us.


Thanks - LF