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Missing PDF Bills

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Registered: ‎23-09-2021

Missing PDF Bills


I am hoping a technical Plusnet person can help me.

Due to Coronavirus and very poor Plusnet Broadband signal, I was not able to download most of my bills from Jan 20 to Jun 20. But now my Broadband has improved slightly I can no longer access them to download for my own records. I would be very grateful if you could please email me my bills for that time period. Thank you in anticipation.

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Re: Missing PDF Bills

Plusnet only keep old bills for 15 months, after that they are deleted, so I don't think you'd be able to get them now,

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Re: Missing PDF Bills

Thanks for your post @Bananas25 and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm sorry to see you've had issues with your connection and you couldn't viewed your bills as a result.

I'm afraid that @pjmarsh is correct in that we only keep bills for the last 15 months, so there's unfortunately no way we'd be able to get them to you.

Let me know if you need any help with getting to the bottom of the remaining issues with your broadband.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Missing PDF Bills

I thought that businesses have to keep records including invoices for at least 6 years after the end of the accounting period?

I realise they may not be immediately available to customers, but they should be there.

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Re: Missing PDF Bills

I've asked a colleague in our billing team and I'll post back when I know more next week.

Previous conversations I've had though have alluded to the fact we don't keep bills older than 15 months in any way. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎23-09-2021

Re: Missing PDF Bills

Hi, Thanks for everyones input - much appreciated.


I have scoured my computer and have found the bills for bill dates of 26/01/20, 26/02/20 and 26/05/20. The bill date of 26/06/20 is still available online - so I am really only missing bill dates of 26/03/20 and 26/04/20. If I could have these bills in any format pdf, hardcopy etc I would be very grateful. As a previous poster said they thought it is a legal requirement to keep invoices etc for 6 years in some form and I know I had to that in my business too. So I hope the bills for the 2 months 26/03/20 and 26/04/20 can be retrieved please.

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Re: Missing PDF Bills

Thanks for getting back to me @Bananas25

No problem, I'll see what I can do but I can't make a guarantee it's possible.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎23-09-2021

Re: Missing PDF Bills


Thank you - it's much appreciated.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Missing PDF Bills

No problem @Bananas25

I've discussed this with a colleague from our billing team and it turns out we do keep bills older than 15 months but not in PDF format. We keep them as raw data in our billing engine we've lifted for you and attached onto a ticket via your account Here as an Excel spreadsheet. Let me know if you need help understanding any of it.  

If you need a summary of payments made or itemised call charges, let me know as we'll be happy to get these for you too. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎23-09-2021

Re: Missing PDF Bills


Thank you for your help and for finding the raw data. I am having trouble with opening the .xlsx file since I am using Excel 2003. Would it be possible for you to attach the info in a .xls format please? Also I would like the summary of payements and itemised charges please too.

Thank you.


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Re: Missing PDF Bills

Microsoft have available for download an xlxs file reader.

Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
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Re: Missing PDF Bills

Assuming you’ve unhidden file extensions in file explorer, if you rename the file to remove the x from the end you should then be able to open it in Excel 2003.

I’ll see what I can do tomorrow about the payments and itemised call charges for you Smiley

This is my personal Community Forum account to help out around these parts while I'm at home. If I'm posting from the 1st March 2020, this means I'm off-duty with no access to internal systems.
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Re: Missing PDF Bills


I'll let you know as soon as I've been able to get ahold of the extra information.

My billing colleague who was helping me with this yesterday isn't in the office today from what I can see. I'm trying to find if there's someone else around who's able to extract the data we're looking for. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Missing PDF Bills


I've attached the additional files to the ticket. Let me know if you need any further help.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎04-10-2021

Re: Missing PDF Bills

Hello and good afternoon, I also need my bills from may 2019 to June 2020 to show the home office as proof of address . Do you think there is any way I could access them? Thank you so much.