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Line Rental Saver refund

Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎30-06-2021

Line Rental Saver refund

I contacted Plusnet Customer Services today, because rather than cancel my account that I had asked to be done at the end of the contract you have renewed my Unlimited Fibre Extra ?
This should now been been cancelled I hope. I have had to phone back a second time today to confirm this!
I initially gave you notice that I was leaving to go to BT (Who own you), as your line rental prices had gone up, and we needed a better internet connection that would not drop in the evening.
I initially asked about a refund on my Line rental Saver and was told to phone back about it when I had left Plusnet and gone to my new provider.

But when I telephoned again today and spoke to someone they said I would not receive a refund on my Line Rentall Saver, everything I can find on here points towards being due for a refund. Can you help please?




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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

@SimonS  There is normally no refund on line rental saver unless you have been allowed to leave your contract early because of an unexpected increase in price. When was the line rental saver due to expire? Plusnet stopped offering LRS some time ago. What have you found that suggests you should get a refund?

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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

If you are leaving to get a 'internet connection that would not drop in the evening' then I suspect you will have the same problem with BT.  The connection between your router and the cabinet won't change as part of this migration.  The drops are more than likely to due to an issue with the OpenReach maintained line, and that won't be changed.

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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

@SimonS wrote:

But when I telephoned again today and spoke to someone they said I would not receive a refund on my Line Rentall Saver, everything I can find on here points towards being due for a refund. Can you help please?

Due a refund?

I quote:

Line Rental Saver

  1. Line Rental Saver is payable in full, in advance
  2. Line Rental Saver provides 12 months standard phone line rental. After this, you can renew for another 12 months; otherwise you'll be charged at the standard monthly line rental rate.
  3. Line Rental Saver does not provide inclusive calls as standard. Any additional call plans, call features or call charges will be billed each month.
  4. In the event of a house move, Line Rental Saver can be transferred to the new phone line without penalty
  5. If you cancel Line Rental Saver within 14 days of your order you will get a full refund of your advance payment. If you cancel after this time, Line Rental Saver is non-refundable.

To see the full terms for Line Rental Saver, please see our Terms and conditions


Whether they will let you off the hook as you are transferring to BT Retail out of goodwill is a different matter.

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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

Thanks for your post @SimonS and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm sorry for the issues you've had cancelling your account.

I've looked into this for you and I can see we haven't renewed your contract. Our systems hadn't automatically closed your account as we hadn't received a notification from your new provider that your broadband was transferred away, we just got a notification that your phone line had been.

I can see you've spoken to us and we've manually put through the cancellation. Looking your line rental saver, I'm afraid this would be non-refundable as others have suggested above. I've listened to your call and while the adviser asked you to call back, he also explained it is non-refundable. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

Hi Gandalf,
   Having looked at my account you can see that you renewed my Unlimited Fibre Extra on 16/06/2021
-- 16/06/2021    BP04300339    Unlimited Fibre Extra     Complete --
This was despite me phoning you on the 26 May 2021, to cancel my contract from the date it finished on 16 June 2021 to go to your parent company BT.
I have since received confirmation that my account has been canceled.

Also a search of this forum shows that I'm in the same position as many others that have left Plusnet, one of which was two weeks ago - we're told that line rental saver refund is not possible.
The forum also shows that many people - after making a complaint on the forum - are then refunded their line rental saver.  

Can I request that my line rental saver is refunded?



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Line Rental Saver refund

Thanks a lot for your time on the phone this afternoon @SimonS  - much appreciated.


I'm glad we were able to clarify the situation on the account regarding your Line rental Saver. As discussed, as the account was closed on your own accord, we would NOT be able to provide a refund on this occasion. Please feel free to give us a shout if you have any further queries at all Smiley



Moderators Note: Post correct so correct information is given.

 Plusnet Help Team - Leeds
Posts: 4
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Registered: ‎30-06-2021

Re: Line Rental Saver refund


Thank you Andy for your phone call. Apologise for my delayed reply.

Unfortunately though I was having drop out on my internet I made the mistake of not reporting it to yourselves so that you could investigate it. Anyone having issue’s with their internet  please report it straight away so that Plusnet can investigate.  And you clarified the situation where you did not renew my Fibre contract. 

Price wise though your prices are increasing, but this would have been on a new contract not an existing contract!


Thanks Again,

