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Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎08-10-2019

Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

I'm wondering if someone at Plusnet can reach out and help me? I have sent a DM via twitter but it hasn't been read yet let alone answered.

I had a feeling in my gut, don't ask me why since service has been uninterrupted lately, that something was up with my account. So I logged on to check my bills. I can't look at any bills beyond August 2019 on my account, yet I've been paying since then.

I then checked through my bank account and noticed that I don't seem to have been charged for September, at all. Possibly this month as well.

Can someone please get in touch and help me out please?
Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎08-10-2019

Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

Just received a letter today from yourselves telling me you can't fix my billing problem, you acknowledge the problem is at your end, you won't ever be able to bill me on this account and the only way to fix this is for me to call you (can't email, MUST call) to set up an entirely new account. Where I will be locked down to yourselves for yet another two whole years. Or I can not contact you, wait until 18 November and you will terminate my contract anyway.

Thanks plusnet. Thanks for your absolutely stellar service. I've only been trying to get this sorted out with you since I switched to fibre 18 months ago. You managed to bill me just fine for my Fils account, but could not for my own somehow. Now you are expecting me to remain tied down to you for another two years after this absolutely abhorrent service and thinly veiled threat via letter, or you're cutting me off. No other options. This is after promises by yourselves not to cut me off, that you will fix the problem eventually you just don't know when, and you won't bill me any more than £125.

Best customer service? I think not. Thanks a bloody bunch. You could not have done this to me at a worse time. My workload is absolutely insane right now and Internet is crucial to it. Now I have to switch ISPs.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

Hello @Meeckle, thanks for getting in touch with us here. 

I'm sorry to read you've had some trouble with the invoicing on your account and I apologise for the inconvenience cause to you. The information you've been provided is correct, you can find more info on the next steps you can take here. If you are moving providers, it can take between 10-12 working days for a transfer to complete, anywhere from 7-14 working days for an installation (depending on engineer availability in the area) - I'd recommend looking at MSE, for offers/deals available to you.  


You can of course discuss a new deal/offer with us over the phone on 0800 432 0080 and our teams can look into that for you. 


Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎08-10-2019

Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

With respect, why would I want to stay with you after all of this? How is it possible to bill me using the same bank account, equipment, line etc just a new contract but not for this account?

You have given me three different stories now.
That I would not be billed any more than 125 approx since the billing error is at your end.

That I will be billed for the remainder of my current contract since I am leaving early (the remainder of my contract is now highly ambiguous since technically it should have 6 months left on it but in your very own letter you state very clearly you're terminating it on 18th November, so which am I being billed for?)

And I was also told that I would not be billed at all since the billing error was your fault, it was a problem at your end that you could not fix.

So which is it?
Am I being billed?
Am I NOT being billed?
Which sum of money am I being billed?
Your reply here is just as ambiguous as all of your recent communication.
I have written proof of all three scenarios.

I was a happy PN customer as well. I wouldn't have upgraded to fibre 18 months ago with you if I wasn't. I wouldn't have stayed all of this time either with all of the patience that I have, waiting for you to sort the billing issue out. But the communication on this has been horrendous. The ambiguity when I do get communication has been horrendous. Then you wonder why I want to leave? Really?? It was not a threat either, to make you shape up, as it were. The leaving process had already begun when you left your reply, as I'm sure you or another member of staff could check. So I appreciate the advice on telling me how to get the best deal finding another provider and how long it will take me to get online again, but I already did my homework, I did it the second I got your first letter threatening to cut me off because of YOUR error that I've been trying to come to an compromise over since the start of this contract.

It absolutely, completely baffles me that you as a company can send me out letters every few days reminding me that you can give me a better deal, and telling me I'm going to be billed out the wazoo now because I'm still in contract, but for the whole time this situation has been going on, you could not write to me by snail mail even once to advise me of different ways to pay my bill each month until the issue was sorted at your end, such as Payzone for example. That would have been a good compromise and I would have been more than happy to do something like that, or even call you each month to pay my bill had you written to me to advise me, to make sure my bill was on track, but you didn't. But somehow now you can find it in you to write to me every few days to threaten me with ambiguous bills and won't I consider staying you can offer me a deal. I deserve better than that, much better. I have been a loyal and proud PN customer for at least 5 years. I'm just so disappointed it has had to end like this.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 779
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Registered: ‎06-08-2018

Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

Hi @Meeckle,


Thanks for getting back to us.


I'm sorry to hear of your billing experience and I appreciate this has left you disaffected. Please accept my sincere apologies for the overall experience and lack of communication.


You have raised some valid comments so I have addressed the points raised here.


Feel free to comment on the ticket if you need to so I can respond directly.


Thanks - LF


Posts: 12
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Registered: ‎08-10-2019

Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

You could not make this up - trying to find out what I'm supposed to pay, especially now that I have left.

Yesterday I was told, yet again, 3 months plus current month.

Today, yet again, that has been taken right back off me and replaced with an "I don't know, Bill hasn't been generated yet"

Why in the Lords name would I call, sit on hold for what could be hours, to get told the same story, and leave no paper trail for myself, especially after all of this?

Why am I being told that over the phone is now the only way to close an account when two weeks ago I was told you were closing my account for me if I did NOT call? You clearly didn't need me to call at all to close my account.

This is getting absolutely beyond a joke. And I'm actually trying to give you money!
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Don't appear to have been billed for September and can't view bills online

Thank you for your time on the phone tonight@Meeckle, I appreciate it.


I will send an email through shortly with what we spoke about.

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 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
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