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Spam calls in Chinese

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Registered: ‎23-02-2020

Spam calls in Chinese

Well its still hapening from an 030 number.
Phone in question is used as a "Bikephone" only my riding mate and my wife know the number, I dont answer it - the phone is used as a fancy pager. If it goes off I pull over at some convienient point (for me!) and respond or not.
But ..... the Chinese/HK spammers know it .... when will it end?

When will plusnet stop usuing a batch of numbers bought on the cheap from Hong Kong? 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Main phone is on silent in a waterproof jacket pocket.
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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

@Bogbody I'm sure your comment about the source of the numbers was tongue-in-cheek, because you know HK mobile numbers wouldn't work on the UK networks?

Other than that, I'm guessing some 'enterprising' oriental has decided to follow the wonks on the Indian sub-continent to try and con people.

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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

Yes I still get these on my Plusnet mobile, Chinese (I assume) voice so not likely to scam me anyway, just annoying and this was a number issued by Plusnet. 

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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

Doesn't matter who 'issued' the number, @orby, the spammers merely autodial a block of numbers, and if your number is in that block, your phone will ring.

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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

Getting these once a day or more, so I installed NoPhoneSpam (Android) which lets me block calls by wildcard eg 076*, or calls from any number not in my contacts list.

This works (I get a notification that a call was blocked) *however* they still leave a (Chinese) voicemail message.

Can Plusnet do anything to stop a blocked/rejected call leaving a voicemail? One possibility would be for the voicemail prompt to say something like "press 9 to leave a message" which would at least foil the autodiallers.


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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

Going on for years...

and recently back with a vengeance. I have two PN (originally from Life mobile) numbers one of which has been ported to a vodafone reseller and for the last few weeks both have been getting from 1 to 3 Chinese spam calls a day of the DHL variety. 

What gets me is the incompetence of the spammers/scammers. I have had literally 100's of spam calls between the two numbers and the most response they got was me pressing a key to get through to a person and telling them no one speaks Chinese on this number and to F off, yet, still they come.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I also have O2, Tesco, and 3 sims none of which have received a single Chinese spam call. 

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Re: Spam calls in Chinese

@nonplusme The autodiallers pick a range of numbers and call at random. Two suggestions - in order (1) If you are not expecting any 'strange' number to call you, ignore it - as soon as your answering service kicks in they'll drop the call, and after a while, the autodialler will skip your number. (2) as back-up, add them to your rejected call list.

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Registered: ‎11-10-2018

Re: Spam calls in Chinese

Ignoring calls I am not expecting rather spoils the utility of a phone don't you think?

Missed spam calls mostly go to and leave voice mail which is as much hassle to deal with.

The calling numbers are all spoofed, never the same twice so blocking is utterly pointless. 


I have and still do complain about plusnet connecting calls with spoofed caller ID. Now I should also make the same complaint about vodafone.  It now looks more like incompetent Chinese scammers got hold of many numbers issued by Life mobile and and for unfathomable reasons have been spamming calls to them for more than 4 years.

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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Spam calls in Chinese

To cover your comments in order - No.

                                                         I find that strange - I never get spammers leaving messages - they tend to cut the call as

                                                         soon as the answer machine kicks in.

                                                         I know the calling numbers are spoofed, which is why the blocking was merely suggested as

                                                         'belt & braces'.

Until STIR/SHAKEN is rolled out by BT et al, there is no way for PN or any other telco to block these pains in the neck. They haven't 'got hold of the numbers' - they merely set autodiallers to ring a block - say 07111 000001 to 07111 999999 - most get ignored, some will get picked up.
