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Seriously ...... Where is my refund?

Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎04-10-2018

Seriously ...... Where is my refund?



Please read next post - which is the main post but moderator had moved a lot of my posts and reassembled them in a new post in the wrong order

Posts: 19
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-10-2018

Seriously, what is going on?

I took at a mobile contract on 27th Sept - it was rather troublesome because the website does not work properly and had to be completed manually over the phone.  This included taking a £10 credit card payment.


The SIM arrived on the 28th September and was activated on the 29th September.


Unfortunately, the quoted VERY GOOD 4g and voice reception turned out to be a mostly-ZERO 4g and voice reception (every now and then I would get a few seconds of E and one bar of voice).  Clearly not much use to me,  so I called to cancel my contract (well within the cooling off period) and spoke to James.  He confirmed the cancellation and that my £10 credit card payment would be refunded and also stated that a confirmation eMail would be sent.


No email was received and over the last week I have spoken to customer services at least twice who promised to get a confirmation email sent and ensure that the refund was processed.


Today I finally receive an email confirming closure of the account but also stating that no refund is due because no credit card payment was taken.  I have just spoken to Nationwide, my credit card provider, who confirm that a £10 payment was taken and has not been refunded (they provided a reference number for the transaction 74463658270902717570980).


I have just got off the phone with customer services and the call was quite surreal.  Initially I thought all was going well, the CS rep confirmed that she could see that £10 had been taken up-front and that I was well within the cooling-off period so it is refundable.  She then went to speak to her 'supervisors' and I imagined her coming back and saying "sorry about that the refund has been processed".


But not at all, amazingly she said "I can see that you have made the payment and I agree with you, but accounts are saying that they don't know where it is" so she asked me to make a copy of my Credit Card statement when it arrives in a few weeks time and email that to PlusNet so they can investigate.


What is the problem, PlusNet agree that I have made the payment, it isn't possible to create an account without making the payment for heaven's sake, the fact that ACCOUNTS have apparently mislaid it is not my problem.  In fact if payments are being taken and being 'mislaid' then there are some serious financial irregularities going on.


Seriously, what do I have to do to get PlusNet to comply with their own stated Terms and Conditions?












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Re: Cancelled a mobile phone contract

Moderator's note:

Posts split to its own topic for clarity and moved to 'Mobile' board also changed title to something more appropriate.

Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎04-10-2018

Re: Cancelled a mobile phone contract

Fair enough.  BTW I put it in ACCOUTS because when I spoke to the mobile CS team they were fully supportive but said that it was the ACCOUNTS that were creating the problem.


Doesn’t really matter which forum you put it in though because I don’t have much confidence based on my experience so far, that I will get any sense out of PlusNet.


Just venting my frustration about something that was very clear cut and should have been easily resolved overr the phone.  I fully expect that I will have to resolve it by raising a dispute with my credit card provider.


Finally, it is very nice that you have the time to trawl through and read all the posts, extract all the replies in support other people who are also suffering at the hands of PlusNet’s dubious financial practices and creat a single compound post - but how much nicer if the time wre spent actually sorting out the problem.

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Re: Cancelled a mobile phone contract

@nheather wrote:
...but how much nicer if the time wre spent actually sorting out the problem.

I wish I could @nheather but as I and the other Moderators are simply customers and not Plusnet staff with no access to Plusnet systems, I can only try and raise the profile of your issue with the right people by moving your posts to the right board.


Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Seriously, what is going on?

Sorry to hear about the experience you've had Nigel.

If you can PM me your account number I'll be happy to look into this.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi