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Mobile phones in America

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎30-11-2018

Mobile phones in America

I'm almost apologetic for posting this as I've had no problems before on setting up bolt ons/packages etc. 

Q1. Does Plusnet have any packages available for USA so that I dont get charged high rates just for using phone(  when not on wifi of course). I cant find any. If not why?

Q2. Does simple roaming work? Where do I find costs. May use if lost whilst travelling. Will be around Orlando but also will be travelling much further. I've seen posts that say it doesn't work.






Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Mobile phones in America

Hi @steve59 


Thanks for getting in touch. 

Q1. Does Plusnet have any packages available for USA so that I dont get charged high rates just for using phone(  when not on wifi of course)

We don't have any specific packages I'm afraid.  

Q2. Does simple roaming work? Where do I find costs. May use if lost whilst travelling. 

You can find all our International charges here 

I've seen posts that say it doesn't work.

I can confirm we have agreements in the USA. AT&T, T-Mobile USA, Cingular & Sprint Nextel to name just a few. 


I hope this help. 


Kind Regards,


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Re: Mobile phones in America

Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎15-10-2018

Re: Mobile phones in America

I have just been in the USA for ten days, using the AT&T network and I have not been able to use data roaming at all. The Plusnet info on their "Roam Like at Home" service does NOT include the USA in the list of destinations where it is available. So despite what has been said here, it seems that Plusnet customers will not be able to access mobile data there.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Mobile phones in America

Hi @marshallcolman,


I'm sorry that you were unable to use data roaming when you were in the USA. Roam Like Home applies to 40 EU destinations and allows you to use your calls, texts and data from your monthly allowance without incurring any extra charges. Data roaming is available in many other countries, including the USA, but comes with an additional charge.


We are more limited in terms of the support that we can give for data roaming issues, as we have no control over the signal strength, functionality with the masts and network availability as this is all in the hands of the local networks. However, please do let us know if you experience any data roaming issues in the future and we will do our best to assist.

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 Emily D
 Plusnet Help Team