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Customer service is a joke

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎05-02-2021

Customer service is a joke

Well yet again its a fail for PlusNet customer service. Below is a email sent to the email address i was given this morning to complain to. The reason I sent it was once again i was promised that this problem would be resolved within 3hrs (8am this morning), yet here i am 12hrs later still no better off and wondering just what i have got to do to get a resolve. If anyone can offer a solution then please let me know. 

am writing to you out of disgust concerning customer service I have received from PlusNet recently.

In January I was admitted into hospital with a serious medical issue. Whilst trying to recover I received text messages about running out of data on the current plan I was then on. Trying to sort it out the best I could I signed up for a larger plan, which I realised was incorrect so then signed up for another plan that gave me the extra data I needed. Believing that this would take effect immediately I left it there. However, I continued to receive texts. My only recourse then was to call from my hospital sickbed to find out what was going on. I was meet by what I would call a very unhelpful customer service agent, who proceeded to tell me that the new plan did not in fact start immediately rather it would be when my current plan finished. She also went on to tell me that the only way I could resume my account would be to pay for a bolt on. You can only imagine how I felt at this time. Not only was I feel being treated rudely but expected to pay for it. Not what I expect from PlusNet and all their promises.

All this got me so upset I cancelled all of the plans I had signed up too and demanded my Pac code, as I no longer had any faith in PlusNet. At this point I thought all the problems were sorted and thought no more about it and went about arranging for a different provider. How silly of me, within a couple of days I received further correspondence from PlusNet that because I had cancelled the new plan, I was going to be charged an early exit charge.

Back on the phone to customer service and yet again promised that I would not have to pay this charge because I had cancelled within the 14day cooling off period. Yet still this was showing on my online account as being taken from my account. I then rung again and was promise all the same things but this time I was told I would be refunded. When I pointed out this was not even due to come out of my account, I was told I would receive a call back when it had been sorted out, within a day or two.

To date that call has not come and I have received another text saying that you were unable to take the bill from my account, even though I had warned you previously that I would cancel the DD. I have yet again had to ring this morning (5th Feb) and spoken to yet another agent that has yet again promised to get the bill sorted and has even given me a closing balance to pay.

I’m sure you will be able to read all of this in the correct timeline on my account and of course listen to the recordings of my conversations with your agents and all their promises. I feel that I have unnecessary stress and worry, especially whilst in hospital put on me even though I have done my level best to do my part to resolve. The let down here is the communication and agent promises that are never meet. Again, not what I was expecting when I joined PlusNet almost 3yrs ago.


I am at a loss as to what else I can do so I am again trusting in PlusNet to put this unnecessary episode to the best mutual conclusion, and look forward to your swift reply!


Kind Regards


Tony Sandom


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Re: Customer service is a joke


Sorry you have been ill but let me as an 'ordinary chap in the street with no axe to grind' give a view of how I read your complaint.

1. You were on a plan that gave you insufficient data.

2. You changed this to a data plan that on reflection was not what you needed.

3. You changed that in favour of a different data plan.

4. You cancelled this and quite rightly were told that as these new plans were within 14 days there would be no charge. This would have put you back on to your original plan.

5. You cancelled your original plan.

6. You are now being billed cancellation charges, presumably for cancelling the original plan to which you had reverted within the minimum term.

Is this the correct interpretation? If so why do you feel unfairly treated?.

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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎05-02-2021

Re: Customer service is a joke

Sorry, are you an official reply from PlusNet? Because if you were you would be able to read the whole transcript of the  conversations i have had with "customer service". If you just trying to be helpful then the summary you have given is only a very small portion of the sorry tale and misses some very key points where i feel let down. Notably, being now billed for nearly £100 for ending a new contract.  This is following a number of  false promises. So I feel it is far more complex and feel very let down by all the promises given in all the adverts and via customer service.

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Re: Customer service is a joke


I’m sorry if I have caused offence. As I said in my opening sentence I am but a Plusnet customer trying to get the salient facts from the post that you have published on this public forum.

I can quite understand why you feel aggrieved if you are being charged for cancelling a new contract but my understanding from your post is that these new contracts were cancelled without charge and therefore assumed that this charge is for cancelling the original contract to which you had reverted.

To put it another way, if you are part way through a contract do you think that it is reasonable to agree an upgrade, cancel that upgrade, then assume that this has released you from the original commitment?

If this s what has happened and you believe that an agent told you that you were released from all contracts without penalty then surely this is the key cause of your complaint?

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