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Microsoft warn of 'Next Xbox' sign up scams

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Microsoft warn of 'Next Xbox' sign up scams

Major Nelson has issued a warning yesterday regarding fake sign-up pages apparently asking unwitting consumers to test the 'next Xbox'. It's basically reminding people to be vigilant when encountering this kind of thing.
If it looks like a scam, chances are it usually is a scam, as Major Nelson noted on his Twitter Feed
 Confirmed: All sign-up pages for testing the "next Xbox" are FAKE. Do not give them your information - it's a scam.
 — Larry Hryb (@majornelson) March 13, 2013
So there you have it. Granted, it is something you should already really be aware of, but this makes it official. Microsoft is not looking for anyone to test the next Xbox, so don't sign up to anything. Got that? Good.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎18-01-2013

Re: Microsoft warn of 'Next Xbox' sign up scams

Even if you haven't given them any information and just "liked" the page, there is a chance that at some point that page will be sold to another business or company for a couple of hundred $$$ and they instantly have a high ranking page with lots of followers ........
I suspect this is where the majority of pages will end up .....
Posts: 42
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Registered: ‎28-02-2013

Re: Microsoft warn of 'Next Xbox' sign up scams

People will do anything for £ these days...