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High Pings

Posts: 18
Registered: ‎11-10-2008

High Pings

Does anyone read these posts?  Roll_eyes
Activated my plusnet broadband on sat and not especially happy with the d/l speed,getting between 2.5 and 3 meg which is well below what i was expecting but and this was a big reason for me choosing the PRO package my pings are shocking and i am getting lick from servers regularly
Can anyone help?  Cry Cry Cry
I am running windows vista so messing with the rwin and mtu seem pretty pointless
[Moderator's note by Daniel (Assos): Changed All Caps Title to Title Case, please don't use all caps it is against the link:rules and considered to be shouting and rude. ]
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007


Yes they get read.  But classic question with not enough information in it.
What game/platform?
What are the server IP's so they can be pinged
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎11-10-2008


Cheers Gus
The games are Battlefield 2142 Deleux edition if that maes any difference and Enemy Territory Quake Wars
I use Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit
The servers are the ingame servers so not sure how you ping em...sorry i am not "techie"  Embarrassed
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: High Pings

Ping is affected by the servers physical location, as it takes time for the server to responded to your game, eg if it located iin USA then the best you can expect is 100-120ms and still playable to about 200ms for a FPS game.  So having the IP will allow us to see if its PN side or if its outside PN's control.
So the in game server browser, it will have the servers listed and will have the numeric server IP address eg 50K - 24/7 SUEZ TITAN, you want to note down and post it here.
If the server IP's are located in europe and ping well enough then you will have to run a wireshark capture to see if PN's speed management is not working properly but thats the next stage. But there is help in this video ; on how to do that, but from the video only thing you do differently is load one of the games and join a server instead of opening a browser and PN's website.
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 1,619
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Registered: ‎26-07-2007

Re: High Pings

It's also likely that interleaving will be turned on (it is by default on new connections).
This will give you slightly higher pings but will usually mean that your connection is more stable.
If ping times are important, you can raise a ticket to have interleaving turned off - you can do that here.
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎11-10-2008

Re: High Pings

thanks for the info guys
only had time to quickly try a game tonight - it was a jolt ETQW server 27733 which showed me as having a ping of 81 and after a few minutes i was kicked for a high ping again!
In respect of the interveving i have seen that it is "supposed" to reduce ping and speed but i am a little concerened about the stability issue and also i believe that once switched off thats it!! As i have only been a PN cutstomer for a few days i dont want to be stuck with an unstable connection!
any further help apreciated! as this is really starting to gnaw at me now
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: High Pings

For that server it has one issue, it is hosted by Pipex which is Tiscali in all but name.  Tiscali have a bad gaming reputation with them not Prioritsing gaming traffic at all and consider us as bad as p2p users.  This has been a problem in other games online for the last year or more, if either being a Tiscali customer or in your case using a server hosted by them.
As for BF2142 seeing the other thread there might be an issue with PN's traffic management as well.
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 1,619
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Registered: ‎26-07-2007

Re: High Pings

i believe that once switched off thats it!

You can turn interleaving back on again by raising another ticket.
You could try turning it off and see how it goes.  If your connection becomes unstable, raise a ticket and get it re-enabled.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: High Pings

Hi Snobdr,
We'd be perfectly happy to turn interleaving back on for you if you were experiencing any issues.