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Crysis its no Far Cry

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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Crysis its no Far Cry

Sadly looks don't make the whole game as game play which isn't as good as it could be.
Shoot someone at close range with a silenced weapon in the head and there dead or as good as it.  They should not have enough health to run 50 meters which you end up poping of round after round into their back.  Now why did I sneak up on this mob for him to run away with a point blank shot so breaking my cover and now alarming all and sundry in the area.
Spray and pray FPS is what they made, none of the Farcry doing the most of the missions with a pistol/machette so sticking to stealth.
Auto save points god I hate them, this game has far too many of them and they come at the wrong points.  A number come during driving vehicles so you are stuck doing what ever Action at the save point.  So you might have been turning left to straightend up the jeep/tank and it saves, then you reload it and then your stuck turning left even if theres a cliff to your left and you die and have to go back to an older save.
Have one at the moment in a VTOL that bugs the game and I get stuck with no engine power and can not fly beyond a point.
AI not included, no idea what they did to the Farcry AI but its worse.  Can no longer lure out patrols into a killing area with noise, they don't even investigate unless they visually See you.  So no more rolling barrels down a hill or firing off a single shot to lure a patrol away from the tree's there in.
So looks good, is so so fun but its not Far Cry 2.
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 191
Registered: ‎15-08-2007

Re: Crysis its no Far Cry

Seems okay to me.
Anyone know where you find the granades? I think i need them for the camp after the gun boat.
Aspiring Pro
Posts: 3,240
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Registered: ‎31-07-2007

Re: Crysis its no Far Cry

Ok not good just finished the game and its a blatant Sequel/Expansion is what this pile of crap is.
Same amount of game play HL2 had that stops with the Cash cow signs to a sequel or expansion.  Another EA branded money maker.
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
Posts: 102
Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Crysis its no Far Cry

The people, or rather team, that made far cry did not make this, they made a new game (based in africa) that is the offical sequal (got nothing to do with the first one though...)
Crysis is not meant to be a sequal to farcry, its just been made with a dx10 version of the far cry engine and based on all the same concepts.
The team that made far cry made another game to be the sequal. a producer along the way may have had other ideas though by the sounds of it Smiley
well thats what i read in a few gaming mags anyway
Posts: 75
Registered: ‎31-10-2007

Re: Crysis its no Far Cry

Im playing crysis and gears of war at the moment, your right in some ways about crysis, its no where near as interesting to play or has as much depth as far cry, but the graphics are truly amazing. I have to say gears of war has the edge for me, partly due to the lan co-op you can do. Playing the full game in co-op mode with a mate is great, i havent had as much fun on a co-op since delta force! Cheesy