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Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

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Registered: ‎18-05-2013

Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Hi Guys,

On Sunday my internet died. Openreach attended today (tuesday) and swapped me onto another port in the cab and now I'm back online. Sync rate on my HG612 B is around 68mbps as was the engineers tester. I've always had a solid 74mbps+ connection so aside from what appears to be a slight drop I'm only getting 21mbps through the modem.

Plusnet are sending me a Hub One because the HG612 is getting on a bit now but I use these HG612's in many places and I really don't think it's to blame. In all cases testing was performed with my laptop directly connected to the HG612.

Can anyone help explain why sync rate is much higher that throughput despite the engineer claiming there is no profile being applied and him resetting the line anyway? I just feel like this is either a bad port or some other profiling on the line and whilst I will obviously try the Hub One I fear it will prove somewhat fruitless.

Other things checked/repleace:

  • Tried two HG612 modems.
  • Tried new 5c faceplate
  • Tried two laptops
  • Replaced all cables including modem PSU.

Any tips welcome.





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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift


 With respect to the slight drop in synch speed it's very likely, indeed probable that the Openreach engineer did a DSL reset, which sets it to 6dB. If your line supports a lower SNR then this will drop in time and your speed will increase, probably to back where it is.

Until it finds its correct level it is vital that you keep the HG612 connected. Swapping modems or any other action that results in  dropping the line during the current period is likely to make things worse. This is because the DLM might see this as a poor connection and increase rather than decrease the SNR to try to compensate.

With respect to the 21Mbps performance the earlier fault might have resulted in your line being banded. You need a Plusnet staffer to come along to check if that is the case.

If you are going to swap this to a new Hub One then log into the router and select 'Disconnect' before switching it off. This will advise the DLM that this is a deliberate disconnection. If you want to be super sure leave the line discinnected for about half an hour.

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Registered: ‎18-05-2013

Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Thanks for your reply. The line is indeed at 6dB however wouldn't the sync rate displayed take this into account? 68->20 is quite a drop.

Screenshot below of the HG612 stats for info.

Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 13.16.17.png

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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift


Your latest post crossed with my edit to my previous one. See new comment about the line possibly being banded. Hopefully a Plusnet staffer will be along soon to check this out for you.

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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift


Hi George, I'm sorry to see you're experiencing speed problems after a fault was fixed. Unfortunately this is caused by a stuck profile on your account which I believe I've fixed now. Can you reboot your router and retest your speed?

This profile should always match the IP profile of the line which sits just below the sync speed. It looks like the profile hadn't yet caught up automatically following the fault being fixed and sync speed increasing.

I've also cancelled the hardware order for a new router as I don't believe this is necessary but I can always re-order it if you'd want a new shiny modem router.

Let me know how it goes.


Your line is also banded at a speed of maximum 60mbps but it looks like the engineer has submitting a DLM reset to remove that banding which should go through within the next couple of days.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 22
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Registered: ‎18-05-2013

Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Thanks Gandalf.


Line seems much healthier now. Currently seeing more like 50Mbps but that's with lots of devices connected.


I'll wait the next few days and hopefully we'll get closer to the 73Mbps ish.


Thanks again everyone. Really helpful. 

Community Gaffer
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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Awesomeness, looks good now!

Fingers crossed we can restore (the remainder of) your speeds.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 22
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Registered: ‎18-05-2013

Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Hi Gandalf,


Support have replied with the below.


I've tested your line and I'm happy to see your speeds have increased to 69mbps although this is still below where we'd expect. If you'd want us to investigate further, please could you reply to this ticket with when you'd be free for another engineer to visit?


Should I take them up on this offer or do you have any better data to suggest I should wait a little while longer? Current throughput is around 55Mbps though this is not an isolated test directly into the Openreach modem as i didn't want to keep destroying the PPP session incase that's used for profiling.

Any insight appriciated.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Hi George, that was me Cheesy 

Our tests are showing you're on an open 80/20 profile so it looks like the DLM reset has been completed, although DLM will always be monitoring the line and it'd generally only take negative action if there are frequent drops. Positive action may be taken at any point like artifically boosting the speed up using what's known as a 3dB SNRM profile.

It's up to you really, if the speed you're getting is letting you do what you'd want to do on the internet I'd personally leave things as they are, but as your speeds are below the expectations of your line we can arrange another engineer.

Having said that, I'm happy to (re)-order that new router if you'd want to give another modem/router a go? Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 22
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Registered: ‎18-05-2013

Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

Oh silly me! 🙂


I don't believe it's hardware, i've used this device for years and it's been solid, I also have another HG612 if needed.

I'll conduct an isolated test without my network attached and see how that performs.

Typically, even with my network attached, it's not sufficently busy to degrade performance of speed tests significantly so I'm still expecting around 55Mbps this is (rounding the number) about 20Mbps down on 'normal' since the port shift so it would be nice to ask Openreach to do better. I'll respond to the ticket once i've tested this evening and go from there.

Thanks again for your prompt response.

Community Gaffer
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Re: Slow speed FTTC after Openreach port lift

No problem and sounds good!

Let me know how it goes. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi