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£2 more for my terrible connection?

Posts: 62
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Registered: ‎10-12-2015

£2 more for my terrible connection?

I don't mean to be rude or mean but I got an email saying my broadband is going up by two quid and quite frankly I don't know how you've got the nerve to bump the price up when my connection is so dodgy at best.


just shocking.



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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?


If you have a problem with your connection then why not explain it here and see if you can get some helpful advice and/or assistance?

Venting your anger at the price increase might be satisfying but it won't help your connection speed or reliability.

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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

I would hardly say I was "venting my anger" I thought my post was polite considering what I'd like to say.  and I've tried/they've tried to fix my terrible connection many times and nothing works sadly.


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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?


Sorry if my comment caused offence, maybe I should have used the word frustration rather than anger.

The reason for my post was really to put forward that whilst they can't walk on water the quality and effort provided by the Plusnet staffers that you will find on this forum is considered by many to be superior to the average agent experience and response.

That is why many customers come here to seek help with their issues rather than to complain.

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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

We had a terrible connection. Supanet and BT couldn’t fix it! Moved to Plusnet and it took a little while but it got fixed. We have had a great stable connection for the last 12 months now. So impressed I have signed up for another fixed price contact which is cheaper for an even faster speed. We kept saying the fault wasn’t fixed on this forum and they kept organising engineers to come and finally they fixed what two others couldn’t. Well done Plusnet 👍.

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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

Hi @Stevef1,

I've tested your line this evening and whilst I haven't been able to detect any faults from our end of things I would like to apologise if that's not the case on your end. What specific issues are you experiencing and does it make a difference if you connect via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable? Are the problems present across all of your devices or only certain ones? Please let us know and we'll be happy to do some further troubleshooting to get to the bottom of the issue.

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 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

My PC connection is wired my other devices (PS4/Xbox/Switch/Amazon tablet etc) all use wifi.

The biggest problem I have is that connection is dropping frequently, sometimes for only 4-8 secs but still its really annoying and enough to pretty much kill any online gaming I might wish to do.


I have considered buying a new router but I'm not sure that'll solve the issue. 

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

Hi @Stevef1,


Looking at your account, we are not your phone provider and therefore can not test your WLR3 line. 

I would suggest asking whoever provides your phone line to run some diagnostic tests as we are not seeing any issues from our side.


Let us know how these go and we can pick up the broadband side of things again once we know that the phone line is clear and fault free. 




Posts: 62
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Registered: ‎10-12-2015

Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

I didn't want to start a new thread and spam the forum so I'm putting this here.  (well it is linked)


I'm going to buy a new router in the hopes it fixes or improves my connection.  However I'm no expert on what routers are good or [-Censored-].  I'm asking you guys to please recommend one to me?

Ideally under £100 as I'm not rich.


if you could help, that would be super, thanks.  (oh I'm using a plusnet hub 1 right now)


edit: lol, would you believe c r a p was censored (no, I didn't type something really bad)


Posts: 62
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Registered: ‎05-03-2017

Re: £2 more for my terrible connection?

Maybe you could ask for your radius login information to see if the line is fully dropping or if it's just packetloss. Plus net will be able to see if the lines dropping and resyncing or not.

Download something like WinMTR which will allow you to traceroute something/monitor pings over a period of time. I usually use the Google DNS servers for things like this ( and this will give you some idea of what's going on and if there is packetloss/higher latency it'll show you where abouts in the network it is. It could be faulty equipment (if so the latency will begin within your home network)

I'd also turn off the Wifi and only have your wired PC connected in order to see if there's anything on the network which is misbehaving.