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moving house

Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

moving house

We will shortly be selling our house. To keep the chain we're moving into rental for 6 months. Hopefully at some point during that 6 months we will find a new house to buy. We'll then of course be moving out of rental into our new property.

Our current products are:

Anytime International 300
Line rental

and our contract is:

Plusnet value

We've been with PN on this since 2009.

I suspect this is going to be complicated but just to start a conversation we'd be grateful for any words of wisdom on how to make the two moves as painless (and cost effective) as possible.


Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎09-10-2018

Re: moving house

Thanks for your post, @whistler2.


You'd just need to give our Customer Options House Move Team a call on 08005871952 and one of our expert advisors will be able to get it arranged.


Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Thanks for your reply @OskarPapa 

As you suggested I called your expert advisor Ian

Talking generally (until I've got exact dates etc.) his suggestion was that I take out a new contract (12 or 18 months) when I move to rental and take out another new contract (12 or 18 months) when I leave rental to go to my new home.

This would allow PN to wave both £65 termination fees. As I'm also on a now obsolete package (e.g. 10gig limit) PN would also put me on unlimited.

Whilst he couldn't give a price at the moment he did assure me it would be less than I'm paying now. However it would not match a 'new customer' price for the same package.


does this seem reasonable or does anyone out there know a better option - e.g. pay the £65 and look at an alternative supplier? Just looking for anyone who's done something similar.

Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Hi again. Can someone from plusnet answer a question please?


Re: The £65 termination charge if I decide to terminate my service and start afresh at my new address. Where is this termination charge specified? I can't find mention of it in Ts & Cs.




Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: moving house

Hi there @whistler2,

The £65 isn't listed as a termination charge. The £65 charge is for moving house and retaining you current package.

However, if you were to move house and take out a new deal (upgrading to an unlimited package as suggested on the phone call) we waive the £65 fee.


It'll be worth looking at our house moves guide here.


Given what you say regarding being on an old package which we no longer provide, it's very likely that you don't have any early termination fees on your account in which case you wouldn't have to pay any termination fees to leave us and find a new provider. The £65 house move fee is only applicable if you decide to move property mid way through your contracted term.


Obviously we'd love to retain your custom. Being perfectly honest, If you wanted to stay with us, you'd be much better served in moving property and taking out a new deal as my colleague suggested on the phone. You'll save money on your monthly bill with a discounted rate and also get unlimited usage.


Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Hi @Optimatts - Thanks for your reply.


I've been generally very happy with PN over the years. So to be clear, I could

a) 'cease my current service' at no cost to me.

and then

b) Take out a completely new contract with PN at my next address just as if I'm a completely new customer..

Is this correct?

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,325
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Registered: ‎09-10-2018

Re: moving house

Hi @whistler2, thanks for your response.


In a nutshell - yes, you would be able to do as you suggest.

Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

hi @OskarPapa, thanks


regarding timing, I obviously don't want to start the process of ceasing my current service OR starting my new service before we have exchange of contracts on the house. But of course both processes need to be complete before 'completion' on the house.


So can you give me an idea of how long it takes to complete both processes please?



Community Gaffer
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Re: moving house

Hi @whistler2 thanks for getting back to us.

Ceasing your service at your current address and providing a service at your new address would be handled completely separately. Once you've got a confirmed move out date, I'd recommend calling our house moves team (0800 013 2632) and we'll process the cancellation on this date. We ask for a notice period of 14 days, however this can be overridden if you're happy to pay off the notice period and cease the services sooner.

To provide a service at your new address, the lead time would depend on a variety of factors such as engineer availability, whether we're taking over an existing line already active. Normally we'd be able to provide a service within 14 days but if further work is needed particularly if the property is a new build, it may take a while (weeks, months etc).

Feel free to PM me your new address(es) and I'll be happy to check the phone line availability there.

Something to factor in is that if we need to arrange an engineer to either visit you or physically connect the phone line at the exchange, there's a £49.99 installation charge which we'd waive as part of a house move contract along with the £65 fee, but if you sign up as a new customer, the £49.99 will be applicable (obviously if applicable at all)

I hope this helps.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

@Gandalf wrote:

We ask for a notice period of 14 days, however this can be overridden if you're happy to pay off the notice period and cease the services sooner.

OK - slightly unfortunate as (in my experience) the period between 'exchange' and 'completion would very rarely be as long as 14 days but 'tis what 'tis I suppose. In my case it's probably going to be 9 days. How much is it to pay off the notice period and cease the service in that time please?


Meanwhile PM sent as requested.


Thanks - I appreciate your help on this.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: moving house

Thanks for getting back to me @whistler2 

OK - slightly unfortunate as (in my experience) the period between 'exchange' and 'completion would very rarely be as long as 14 days but 'tis what 'tis I suppose. In my case it's probably going to be 9 days. How much is it to pay off the notice period and cease the service in that time please?

It'd be dependent on what you're paying each month, I'd basically take that amount divide by 30 (average number of days in a month) and multiply by 4 days and that's how much you'll basically pay while not receiving a service.

Meanwhile PM sent as requested.

Cheers, I'll message you back soon.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 28
Thanks: 3
Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Hi @Gandalf - thanks for your PM - I'll reply here if that's OK.

@Gandalf  wrote in PM

"There's a working line showing at that address and 1 spare pair/line at the pole/exchange, which can be connected to the address so it should just take around 10 working days to takeover the line or arrange an engineer if the line's already ceased when the time comes. The good news is that the infrastructure seems to be all there so we shouldn't need to carry out a survey first."


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "if the line's already ceased when the time comes" can you explain please? The address is currently unoccupied and will be our rental address.





Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: moving house

Hi @whistler2 


To keep things simple, we can try and take over the line that is showing at the premises. On occasion, these lines are ceased and no physical connection can be made. This means we either restart the phone line, or we install a new line. If you are moving home with Plusnet and take your service with you, any related fees are waived unless there are high costs involved. 


It takes a minimum of 10 working days to provide a service but this is subject to change due to engineer availability or any issues that we may encounter. Anoush stated 'when the time comes' meaning when you decide what you would like to do. 


Kind regards

Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Thanks to all of you for the help.


OK I think I'm going to think lucky and take out a new deal today at the rental property. I'll terminate my package at my current house as soon as I get 'exchange of contracts on the house' which I'm hoping will be this coming Wednesday.


With that in mind I see you have an offer on at the moment for Unlimited BB and Line only for £19.99. If I choose this can I add 'anytime calls' and if so what's the cost please?



Posts: 28
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Registered: ‎07-02-2017

Re: moving house

Sorry to bump this but can someone from PN respond please.

