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Website archived!

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Website archived!

This came like a bolt from the blue this morning - no warning, just archived my websites Angry
It has come to our attention that in the last 24 hours your website
has exceeded its bandwidth allowance by a significant amount.
Unfortunately, because of the amount over the limit, your site has
been archived.  Please contact us through the website if you want
your site to be restored. - we cannot do this by email or over the
Your website used 77472 KB OVER its bandwidth transfer
allowance during the last 24 hours.

Looking at the stats it was only a problem over 2 days when I updated a shareware program twice because of bugs found and there were a number of downloads.
Obviously the bandwidth will return to normal pretty soon.
I have been with PlusNet for years and years and never had any problems or warnings at all, so was rather upset, by what appears to an automatic action by a script rather than a logical being.
Almost decided to ask for my MAC, then thought better of it, for now, but I will be moving my shareware to another hosting service.
Of course because my website is archived I can do nothing about moving files to another host, chicken and egg situation.
Anyone been in this unfortunate situation.
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Re: Website archived!

Most hosts will let you download the files if you ask them nicely so that you can move to another host. You'll need to open a ticket though. Typically they're happier to see the back of you once you start exceeding your bandwidth because most of those who exceed start moaning and whinging about how crap the hosts service is etc.
I would say the fact that the script has let you get 77Mb over your limit is actually a sign that your host has been generous. I've heard of lots who will cut you off on the dot or even BEFORE you reach your limit (they get scared about you exceeding it because many of them oversell their bandwidth).
Chin up, it could be worse Wink
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Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Website archived!

Hmm, Looking at my web stats I don't think I have been over limit in the past years.
What really bugs me is that there was no warning - a polite and simple thing to do - to alert me to a problem that I could have easily solved. Now I am in a situation where all my sites are 404'd.
Hopefully PN can quickly restore my files so that I can arrange transfer of the domain to another host that is perhaps better suited for peak loads that can very occasionally happen.

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Re: Website archived!

Quote from: gm4jjj
Hmm, Looking at my web stats I don't think I have been over limit in the past years.

That doesn't matter in the hosting game. Bandwidth doesn't roll over, like PAYG phones your credit only lasts a limited amount of time. Your hosting provider has to pay for that bandwidth each month and they don't get a refund on unused so why would they pass those savings on to you or let you carry it over?
Quote from: gm4jjj
What really bugs me is that there was no warning - a polite and simple thing to do - to alert me to a problem that I could have easily solved.

Yes, I can understand and agree with that actually. It certainly would be a good gesture to warn you that you're coming close to your limit.
Quote from: gm4jjj
Hopefully PN can quickly restore my files so that I can arrange transfer of the domain to another host that is perhaps better suited for peak loads that can very occasionally happen.

Now I'm not a great fan of PN in general but I fail to see why you're blaming this on them. Its your website, your traffic and your downloads which have caused the outage of your site. It's not a case of being suited for peak loads or not, as explained above its a simple case of allotted bandwidth which cannot be carried over. As I said before the fact that they even let you go over it was actually a bonus although it would of been nice of them to warn you first and frankly I would of expected this from a large ISP like PN.
While PN are partially at fault for not giving you advance warning this isn't really their problem. If you want to find another host I'm sure you'll find plenty out there offering unlimited deals for $1 per month (especially on ebay) and they'll leave you in a worse situation when they suddenly vanish. Unfortunately I'm not aware of what the PN bandwidth quota is as I don't use their hosting but they're not going to disappear anytime soon like a lot of hosts out there.
If I were you I'd concentrate on ways of lowering your bandwidth usage somehow. Perhaps offering your file downloads on another server would be a good idea (eg
I need a new signature... i'm bored of the old one!
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Website archived!

I am not going to move to an eBay vanish by night host that is for sure!
My only complaint with PN is their lack of forewarning of this situation . Leaving me without any websites today, a very stressful thing to happen.
Just last night I was trying to rationalise why I shouldn't move to BT Infinity Option 2 FTTC, then I said to myself it would be too much hassle transferring websites, email and all the other great things that PlusNet have provided over the years and then - boom!  My websites have vanished!
First of all I need access to my files from PlusNet, then I can resolve the situation, which was a temporary one.

Rising Star
Posts: 697
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Website archived!

Thanks PlusNet - you have restored my Websites.  Smiley
I have removed the shareware download files for now to avoid going over limit today.
Have moved the download files to DropBox Public folder for now and linked to them from my page.
Hopefully that should solve the problem.
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Re: Website archived!

Quote from: gm4jjj
I have removed the shareware download files for now to avoid going over limit today.
Have moved the download files to DropBox Public folder for now and linked to them from my page.

Glad to see you took my advice on that Wink
There are still quite a lot of cheap hosts out there who are reliable and self sustaining but if you intend to stay with PN as your ISP then I'd recommend staying put as it saves a lot of hassle fixing file paths in scripts, transferring db tables etc.
I need a new signature... i'm bored of the old one!