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CGI Access

Posts: 5
Registered: ‎20-01-2008

CGI Access

I asked PN to advise me of my password details for the CGI/MYSQL hosting space.  Instead of advising me, they reset it with a difference password. 
Now, for some reason, I cannot access my Bulletin Boards/Forums on the web, although I can still get access to the webspace through my FTP programme.
I'd be grateful if someone can let me know where I have to go to change my password to the new one.
I've tried the advice in the CGI Guide regarding changing the password through Telnet, but when I Start/Run... 23 I can an error saying it can't find the file.
Any help for a beginner, such as me, will be gratefully received.
Just a thought...  do I now have to "re-install" the phpBB files to the server?
Plusnet Staff
Plusnet Staff
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Registered: ‎09-11-2007

Re: CGI Access

You shouldn't need to 're-install' the forum, most apps that use MySQL will have a 'config.php' file that stores the MySQL details in one place and makes it easier to update. So all you need to do is edit the password in that file and things should be good to go again. You can either do this on the server itself or download the file to your machine, make the changes, and upload it again. If you're fairly new to this, I'd suggest that you download the file and make the changes.
As for connecting to the ccgi server via telnet, make sure that you've got a space between telnet and the server name. Aditonally, if you're on Vista then telnet isn't installed by default, so you may have to follow this guide through first.
 Jon W
Posts: 14,469
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: CGI Access

You also don't need the 23 as telnet uses port 23 anyway
So its just telnet
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎20-01-2008

Re: CGI Access

Grin Brilliant, and so simple when  you know it!
It's like driving a car, if you don't know how to open the door, you can't drive it!
Thanks very much.