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Too much email

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎15-10-2014

Too much email

I use Thunderbird as my email client and sometimes I get random emails from Plusnet that say
We contacted you recently to ask that you reduce the amount of email you're storing on our servers. Despite sending you this notice, it appears that one or more of your mailboxes still exceeds the maximum amount of email storage we allow -
Please refer to the above Acceptable Use Policy that states:
"If you exceed a total of 1GB (Gigabytes) of email on our servers for more than a 30 day period it will be removed without notice to you."

I have tried deleting emails and attachments from my computer.  I have gone into the server settings in Thunderbird to see if I can deal with the problem there, but can't see anything.
So now I've come online and looked at the various tools in the webmail, but still can't see how to delete stuff.  Please can someone help me?
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Re: Too much email

By my reckoning, you've less than 200MB of mail stored on the server. When did you last receive one of these notices?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎15-10-2014

Re: Too much email

A week or two back.
Maybe they've removed some of my stuff already?
I'm a photographer and one of my colleagues insists on sending my hi-res pics, instead of low-res like everyone else, despite me telling him not to.  So I can see why it builds up, but can't see anyway of deleting mail off the server.
Any suggestions, please?
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Re: Too much email

Using Webmail will delete the emails from the server (trash is emptied at log out).
That's RPM to you!!
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Re: Too much email

Do you use IMAP or POP3 in Thunderbird?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
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Community Gaffer
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Re: Too much email

From what I can tell, you needn't do anything as you're using well below the 1GB of disk space.
For future reference though, deleting stuff from Webmail will remove it from the server.
If you're using IMAP in Thunderbird then deleting from the client should be sufficient.
Shout up if you receive any more notices and I'll look into it further.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Too much email

To save starting another thread......
Can someone from Plusnet please check how much mail I have on the server?
I have deleted all unneeded mail from all my accounts that I can see, but I'm still getting the threating email from Plusnet.
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Re: Too much email

If you reply to one of the tickets you've received about this asking for more info on which mailbox and which folders the mail is in we can provide that detail.
Having a very quick look I'd suggest it's the mail in the mailbox beginning with a* that has the large volume of email, hopefully this will help point you in the right direction.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Registered: ‎23-11-2014

Re: Too much email

Hi - I have had the dreaded email from Plusnet too. Is it just a case of deleting mails and does the'sent' folder count towards this?
(Not sure if I've done this right - my first time on here).

Quote from: honeywooduk
I use Thunderbird as my email client and sometimes I get random emails from Plusnet that say
We contacted you recently to ask that you reduce the amount of email you're storing on our servers. Despite sending you this notice, it appears that one or more of your mailboxes still exceeds the maximum amount of email storage we allow -
Please refer to the above Acceptable Use Policy that states:
"If you exceed a total of 1GB (Gigabytes) of email on our servers for more than a 30 day period it will be removed without notice to you."

I have tried deleting emails and attachments from my computer.  I have gone into the server settings in Thunderbird to see if I can deal with the problem there, but can't see anything.
So now I've come online and looked at the various tools in the webmail, but still can't see how to delete stuff.  Please can someone help me?
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Re: Too much email

ALL folders count that you acn see via webmail (or if using IMAP in the mail client on the PC). That includes sent and deleted/trash. If you've deleted a load you will need to empty trash.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
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Registered: ‎30-06-2011

Re: Too much email

How difficult would it be to provide information on the space used by each mailbox / folder in the User Settings Web interface? Trying to figure out which of my family's mailboxes needs sorting out is a real pain....
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Re: Too much email

I understand this can be found by the individual mailbox owners via the we mail interface.
On the various occasions I have received the bad boy email I have asked support for this info, suggesting that if automated if could save everyone effort.  I have also pushed the idea recently in the direction of one who is looking for quick win customer feature improvements.
One waits to see what happens.

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