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Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎14-09-2017

Re: Spam

Mine is slowing down a little also now.

They should have a system that gives their end users more options as then they wouldn't get pestered as much when things like this happen (and they will happen many more times, as I am sure their support team are aware).


For example, in spam mails like this, if they allowed users to filter SUBJECT -  "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender" along with "<>" in the FROM section, it would cut down our work and they would receive less calls also = less wait time for their clients on phones/online chat.. win win... (Sorry about getting all nerdy, used to work for IBM corporate support and sometimes more user options for automation isn't always a bad thing)

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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Spam

@Richard-261 wrote:

Post your email address John and I'll forward you a few.

Sorry Richard - I'm quite proud of my VERY low spam count, so I think I'll pass on your generous offer - thanks anyway.WinkGrin

Posts: 34
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Registered: ‎03-01-2017

Re: Spam

The spam seems to have stopped now.

Have PlusNet plugged the hole?

I hope so.

2 strokes good - 4 strokes bad : George Orwell.
Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎10-03-2008

Re: Spam

Mine seems to have stopped too. Maybe because I changed my passwords or perhaps Plusnet have fixed it.
Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎14-09-2017

Re: Spam

I am still getting quite a few coming through, so I don't think it is fixed as yet. Just deleted a bunch a few seconds ago

Posts: 16
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Registered: ‎11-09-2017

Re: Spam

Deleted about 50 so far today. No word from PN yet.

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎16-10-2007

Re: Spam

Mine stopped yesterday afternoon - after I shifted a load of them into the SPAM folder


Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎10-03-2008

Re: Spam

Try changing your password. I've not had any since I did.
Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎14-09-2017

Re: Spam

I am going to give that a go Emlyn and report back, though if this is the case and it sorts it, the fact that it is happening to quite a few people on the plus-net system at the same time means that someone/thing got our passwords simultaneously, which points to more of an issue with security on the plus-net servers.


That said, I guess if people use some sort of password collector like the one within Chrome etc, then I imagine that could also have been compromised.

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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Spam

Not trying to upset anyone, but if you are receiving spam, it is your email address, not your password which has been harvested, although that is not necessary - the senders could merely be sending to random addresses - or as more likely if you have the spam filter set at default, someone has found a way round the filter.

I received one definite spam today, but I have the PN filters set to 'off', and rely on my own software filter. PN had correctly identified the mail as 'spam' and tagged it accordingly.

Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎14-09-2017

Re: Spam

I hear you jab1, though to have harvested all of them at the same time would point to a way of (lucky guessing? I don't believe so) all our email addresses, or as you pointed out, someone has found a way around the filter.


Btw, they are still arriving after the p/word change.. (Kinda guessed it wasn't that but has to rule it out, all the same)


These are just "Mail Delivery Fail" reports that I am getting bombarded with. More confusing for the system to see it as spam as the info within it makes it look like a bounce-back that was originally sent out by me..

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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Spam

@GioC I too cannot believe it is lucky guessing, so maybe this is one for Bob Pullen to investigate. I have deleted the spam I got, so unfortunately can't check back, but they are being sneaky, using private IP's so you can't trace back to the originating servers.

Beyond my limited knowledge to investigate further, but I'm sure if Bob spots this, he may be able to enlighten us or see what Cloudmark can do.

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: Spam

Anybody still got a load of these in their mailbox who wouldn't mind me jumping onto the server and having a look?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 29
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Registered: ‎14-09-2017

Re: Spam

@bobpullenI've had 9 in the last 7 minutes, definitely a slowdown compared to yesterday. <-- /just edited..


Feel free to check out my account if you like, Bob as I have not deleted the 8. The "junk" and "deleted items" folder should be pretty busy with them.


Depending on your server filters in place, I can't imagine they haven't flagged up on this..

Posts: 34
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Registered: ‎03-01-2017

Re: Spam

I've had none today, but I was marking them all as spam so maybe the spam filter has learned.

2 strokes good - 4 strokes bad : George Orwell.