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Re: won’t accept my password

The SMTP logon diagnostic shown above is for Windows system. To get Telnet for my Mac I downloaded Homebrew and then instructed it to download Telnet. When I entered the 'telnet 587' instruction I received the reply '220 avasout-ptp-003 smtp', followed by 'Connection closed by foreign host'.

I am now stuck, and trying to achieve things beyond my pay grade.😒

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Re: won’t accept my password

Are you connecting on Plusnet’s network or via a different ISP?

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Re: won’t accept my password

I am connecting on Plusnet's network.

Community Gaffer
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Re: won’t accept my password

I'm sorry to see you're still having issues with your emails.


Looking at the screenshot you've provided, the port number is incorrect as it should be 465 if you're using SSL. Keep the authentication as password and make sure the username you're inputting is your account username if you're trying to access your default mailbox, or in the format of username+mailbox if an additional mailbox. 

As a side note, you don't need to move your broadband service to another provider if you're wanting to move your emails away, as the two aren't tied together.

Can you let me know how the above goes?



This doesn't look to be relevant with what's discussed in this topic as you're unable to receive mail but can send, so it may be worth creating a new topic of your own >

Can you make sure you're using the relevant settings found Here? Feel free to post up screenshots of the stages in Outlook you go through to input the settings if you're still having issues and we can take a closer look. 



Likewise, you've reported you're having issues receiving mail yet the diagnostics you've done are for sending email.

What settings in particular are you using? Feel free also to post up screenshots. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: won’t accept my password

There is nothing wrong with port 587 with STARTTLS - it is a correct configuration.

Strict adhearence to current standards deems port 465 deprecated.

How does one explain the results of the smtp diagnostics - too many authentication failures and the disconnections?

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Re: won’t accept my password

@Townman wrote:
There is nothing wrong with port 587 with STARTTLS - it is a correct configuration.

I agree though I didn't say it wasn't correct. 

@Gadgetbloke is using SSL not STARTTLS therefore they'd need to use port 465. 


@Townman wrote:
How does one explain the results of the smtp diagnostics - too many authentication failures and the disconnections?

The 'too many authentication failures' error is likely just what it says on the tin. 

If we can make sure the correct settings are being used, this may likely avoid the authentication failures in the first instance. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: won’t accept my password

Hi Gandalf. Thanks for your help. I tried changing the port, but still the same problem. It can’t be that the password is wrong, since I’m using the same for incoming mail. Incoming mail works fine!

How do I move my email to another provider? I’d happily pay a fee just to have no trouble with email. These problems are just too costly and frustrating.


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Re: won’t accept my password

Thanks for getting back to me @Gadgetbloke 

From what I can see unless I'm mistaken and correct me if I am though, you don't have a domain name of your own registered or hosted with us. If the email address in question you're trying to set up ends in I'm afraid it's not possible for you to transfer this to another provider, because we own this particular domain. 

Can you private message me screenshots showing the settings you're using? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: won’t accept my password

Hi Gandalf. Plusnet is my broadband provider and I have a plusnet email address. I also have web hosting with one & one, where the email is redirected to my plusnet account. I have now set this to redirect to my iCloud address as well, so I could receive email during the 9 day outage. The problem I’m having is logging into to send email. I tried using iCloud to send, but it doesn’t allow me to use my business email address as the return address like plusnet does. Same for gmail. Sorry to be ignorant, but how do I PM you? I’d happily share my settings to you, from both iOS and outlook 365. Neither work for outgoing email.

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Re: won’t accept my password

Hi @Gadgetbloke 

Thanks for getting back to me. 

Based on what you've said, unless I've not understood, you're not actually using your email address but trying to send & receive mail from/to a domain hosted with another provider but through us. If that's the case, wouldn't it be more straight-forward to use your hosting provider's mail servers rather than ours? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: won’t accept my password

@Gandalf.  Yes you understand correctly and yes, after years and years of operating this way, I have given up and gone over to using IONOS’ servers. It will forever remain a mystery as to why your servers started rejecting my login. Ironically, IONOS’ servers work fine through plusnet. Thanks for trying to help. 

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Re: won’t accept my password

Thanks for getting back to me @Gadgetbloke 

Yes you understand correctly and yes, after years and years of operating this way, I have given up and gone over to using IONOS’ servers. It will forever remain a mystery as to why your servers started rejecting my login. 

The rejection could've been at any point along the chain from your hosting provider to us. Speculating, it could be something to do with the spam filter which didn't like the relatively complex way you've been sending mail. Appreciate this had worked previously, though there are numerous other ever-changing factors involved. 


Ironically, IONOS’ servers work fine through plusnet.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, if your email address isn't registered or hosted by us then it wouldn't be through us. 

Either way, I'm glad to see you're able to send mail OK now. ‌Thumbs_Up‌No problem, let me know if you need any further help. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: won’t accept my password

Hi Gandalf. You ask what settings I am using to try to download my emails on my Mac. I'm not quite sure what the settings are that you are referring to. Basically, whenever I try to download emails, a screen message appears saying "can't connect to the account "**********"  "Enter the password for user "************"

When I enter the password I immediately get the message "unable to verify account name or password".

I get the same messages when I try to access Plusnet Mail in the internet account section in my system preferences. Without a recognised password I cannot look at the settings there.

My Plusnet emails have worked fine for years, but this problem started at the time of the Plusnet Email Breakdown on 9th November. 

I use a personal email domain name registered with Plusnet.

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Re: won’t accept my password

Baldrick wrote: '@bendipa1 

It might be more appropriate if you told us what you are using. It works for me on Outlook 2019.'

Why? I'm not the one with an email. issue. 

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Re: won’t accept my password


It was my misunderstanding. I misread and thought that you were asking for help rather than responding to a cry for help. If you had addressed your reply to the OP I would not have made this error. Sorry for any irritation that it caused you.

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