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Rejected Email as 552

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Rejected Email as 552

I get used to some of my automatically forwarded email from my gmail account to my Plusnet being rejected as spam when it isn't, but the following is an interesting one.  I actually received it though I should not as marked undeliverable. I checked the senders domain and their mx server is at google so it's not as registered at one domain (DKIM) but being sent via a different route.  I have attached as a file and snipped at various places to remove sensitive information.



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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Rejected Email as 552


Is there enough detail in the attachment for a fishing trip please?

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Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Rejected Email as 552

Probably. 🙂


I was a Network Manager and always wanted as much information as possible for investigating, troubleshooting, etc and assume others do as well.

Plusnet Staff
Plusnet Staff
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Re: Rejected Email as 552


There's both too much and insufficient information in the attachment to take a further look at this. Though using some of what's there, and your forum profile, was enough for someone to see what was going on, as all we need is the sender and recipient addresses and the date of the email.

The message in question looks to have been flagged due to a combination of factors that combined to match a fingerprint. Though to properly handle it as a false positive we'd need a full copy of the original message in rfc822 format so someone could pass it to Cloudmark for review.

 Jon W
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Rejected Email as 552

For a start the entire email is there including  the send and receive data.  All I extracted was the sensitive information.  Now when assessing problems with routing and spam in an email you often need to know everything and if required even the sensitive details but you only provide that when necessary and not in an open forum.  What you are saying is for a simple email routing issue and not when it's more complex. 


For instance was this a DMARC issue?  I've sorted plenty of those out.  Unlikely as though the company sending is in the UK, and their site is hosted in Italy the MX server is Google that indicates that their mail is hosted by Google, and the mail came by Google.  Google is pretty good as far as Email is concerned.

So by providing as much as possible then people don't keep on coming back asking for more information.  I posted  to see if others could see something I missed.   I am very open that way and not thinking that I know everything.


What's your issue with my forum profile?

Posts: 23,310
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Rejected Email as 552

I would guess that @JW examined your forum profile and obtained your email address to assist in searching for the inbound email. Staff have the ability to do such things to aid their investigations.

The response suggests that there’s a combination of things which conspire to give rise to a false positive. An unedited version of the email will be needed to allow the anti spam / virus vender to investigate further. Such details would best be passed on by sending a private message to JW - click their name and select send message from their profile page.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.