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Recovery details for compromised email.

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Registered: ‎19-12-2013

Recovery details for compromised email.

Morning all.

I am reviewing my security details and looking to see how I can recover my account if my password is compromised.

Is there a way that I can regsiter a phone number or a secondary and even a third email account unrelated to Plusnet so that in the event of my details being changed by an unauthorised access into my account I can get the password re-set.

Many thanks.


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Re: Recovery details for compromised email.


All that you have to do if you don't know your account password is to enter your user name in the account sign in page and select 'Forgotton your password'. If your email address has also been changed then you will have to ring in.

If the password is changed then the old one is disgarded. No amount of saving it in different forms will help.

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Re: Recovery details for compromised email.

@hevans wrote:

Morning all.

Is there a way that I can regsiter a phone number or a secondary and even a third email account unrelated to Plusnet so that in the event of my details being changed by an unauthorised access into my account I can get the password re-set.

While @Baldrick1  suggestion does work, I'd have thought there would / should be a way of doing exactly what you require. As you say it beefs up security... to a degree.


Even my 'basic' free hotmail email accounts (yes, I do have more than one) allows me to set up alternate recovery phone and email details, totally unrelated to hotmail and comes with two factor authentication as well. Indeed, it even comes with only allowing trusted devices access, such that I get alerts via both the phone and email if someone tries to log in from an unknown device. Simples!

Ever helpful. Grin Sure, I’d love to help you out. Now which way did you come in?
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Re: Recovery details for compromised email.

@idonno 2 FA etc. will as you say, beef up security. That is, it will help stop the bad guys breakinjg in to the account.

However, that's not the question that's been posed. These measures will do nothing towards gaining access to an account that has already had its security cracked and the password changed. Neither will alternative ways of recovering access as suggested by @hevans help improve security. By then it's too late, it's already been breached!



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Re: Recovery details for compromised email.

Thanks for the responses all. I couldn't find a simple way to do it with my plusnet email account so thought there may be some way that was not obvious.


As @idonno says, this is pretty basic and I have it activated on a number of other work and personal related accounts where I am notified by text and / or email to a different account if a log in is made from a new device. Also lets me register a phone and a recovery email for problems.

I am surprised that this is not a basic requirement of providing email functionality.



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Re: Recovery details for compromised email.

In a situation where an email account has been hacked and breached ... which would give the hacker full control of the account ... having the details of an alternative account registered somewhat makes it easier for them to find the next place to attack ... especially if the user uses the same password across multiple accounts as many do!

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