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My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

Are we sure that we are talking about the same thing?

Standard (round cube - RC) webmail is here -

Basic (Squirrel mail - SM) webmail is here -


"I would not dare to use the Advanced version (HTML)" - what's the concern?  Are you confusing HTML and plain text formatted email content?  Whilst the SM option only allows plain text content, RC permits either.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

As far as I know, we are.  I have been using bog standard "Basic Webmail" ever since Plusnet changed to it in about 2007 when Lee Strafford sadly sold Plusnet to BT, and it has gone downhill ever since.  Prior to that, the equivalent product was far better and reliable, but I cannot remember its name; it may in fact have been an in-house product.

The only way I can convince you is by showing you the attached screen-dump of the log-in page for "Basic Webmail".  At the foot is a separate link to "Advanced Webmail" which I NEVER use normally.  What I use has no bells and whistles at all and is just text, no HTML.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

Well you live and learn - this is the first time I have heard of Squirrel Mail being slower than Round Cube!!

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This topic has been cited by one of the Superusers; the purpose of which is to provide a note for information which might help to focus continued discussion (but might not result in a staff response).

 "I get 22 mbs of fibre broadband - not the fastest but all that is available from Plusnet for where I live - which is perfectly adequate for anything else that I do normally, including streaming opera from the Met every evening during Covid !  So if it can cross the Atlantic without any lag, why can't Webmail keep up ?"

This is not an internet connectivity issue.  In the case of Round Cube it is an email list content sorting performance issue.  In the case of Squirrel Mail - I do not know, but I have asked some more questions.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

I spoke too soon !   Plusnet have at last restored my Webmail.  I have spent half an hour trying to do some maintenance by deleting the January and February folders - it has taken that long.  But as if I was not in enough pickle, the restore took place without warning - I knew nothing about it because I was not advised until afterwards.  I suddenly discovered that on my mail client, all my inbox files had been duplicated.  I could not think why and so I went through over 150 mails deleting all the duplicates on the client.  But when I got back to 22nd May, the duplicates ceased for no reason.  Then it dawned on me that perhaps my webmail had been restored, because the 22nd May was about the last time I transferred webmail messages to the May folder.  So I checked and discovered that it had, and automatically everything since 22nd May had been downloaded therefore a second time !  What a waste of time and - with the NHS under such financial pressure - heart pills ! 

However, in the process, I managed to delete an important message which I spent ages looking for.  I could not find it, so hoped it may be on the Webmail restored inbox.  I found it there safely, but to get it re-sent from Webmail took me half an hour and four crashes !  Thankfully it is safely here now.

During the process, I tried Advanced Webmail because my earlier experience indicated it was quicker.  Oh No, not when I needed it !  I gave up on that idea very quickly.  So roll on the day when I have time to migrate from Webmail to or similar.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

Is there any reason for not using a PC based email client?

If you have a subscription of Office365 Outlook 2016/19 works a treat.  Many people use Thunder Bird (personally not a preference).  Windows Live Mail though not supported any longer works well too on Win10.

If you do turn to a PC based email client - DO NOT - try Win10 Mail.  Some people get on OK with it, most do not!

Looking at correspondence I'm having looking for other solutions here, I have come across the following - I know nothing of them.

There are others too!


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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

Thanks for the suggestion.  It is much appreciated.  However, as already indicated in a much earlier post where someone suggested something similar, I am on the move a lot and have many different devices - desktop, laptop, notepad, tablet, mobile ohine - even a Kindle which I occasionally use to view Webmail.  I already use Outlook as a mail client for my desktop, having firts started in the days of MS Exchange back in 1995 !  I have backups of all my mail going that far back, although the medium in those days was a tape streamer which I no longer have of course, so no chance although I have the tapes !

My reason for using Webmail therefore is to be able to access mail when I am on the move without worrying about hardware.  I will however look at your suggestions, but I fear accessing my archives would be difficult if I changed platform.  I broke my mobile phone recently and had to replace it - the new one has sat on my desk for three weeks already because I cannot face the prospect of customising it, and am using a ten year old phone temporarily until I do !  So the thought of changing emai client does not appeal to me, but we will see.

Thanks very much for your help once again.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

The point is, if using IMAP clients on all devices, they all see whatever is on the server - exactly the same. Sometimes doing bulk house keeping is easier on a PC using an IMAP client than trying to use the webmail interface.

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

When I attempt to maintain my mailbox size on line I have found that for the last two or three months the webmail site crashes and returns errors regardless of whether I am using basic or advanced webmail and regardless of the device I am using. This is making it near on impossible to maintain mailboxes in size limits. Previously it would only take me a few minutes to do some regular maintenance. Is this a reconsidered issue ?? 

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Re: My webmail has been archived by Plusnet. Help needed to restore them.

Slow webmail

There is a known gremlin in the third party Round Cube webmail program which can cause delays in listing emails - see the end user mitigation post at the top of the Email board here. It somewhat appears that any sorting or filtering on a large mailbox cripples the performance of RC webmail, where as the 'basic' webmail program (Squirrel Mail) is not affected. Using Squirrel Mail can be an effective way of accessing a mail box which is running slow with RC.

There is no necessity to restrict your access to your Plusnet email via the Plusnet Webmail interface. Virtually every IT device comes with an in-built email program which can be configured to access your Plusnet email service. See the setting up an email client guide.

Some have found logging into their mailbox using this third party webmail client - helpful in clearing out clutter from their mailboxes.


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.