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Freenetname passwords and imap servers

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎05-07-2019

Freenetname passwords and imap servers

I have a freenetname email account that I somehow connected to from an iPad using imap, all my other connections used POP3. This caused my mailbox to fill up when the iPad app shunted many emails to a hidden folder without my realising it. Your telephone helpline found the problem and I am now receiving emails again but as part of the processchanged my password.


I can find no way to change my password. Can I change it through webmail and if so how? If not, how do I log into my plusnet account, I only now have email with you and can find no way to login to such accounts.

Secondly, while the app on my iPad appears to have been using an imap connection I can no longer replicate this. Changing my password on the iPad failed to work so I deleted the account and tried to set up a new one, with no success. What are the imap settings for freenetname accounts? Ideally I'd like to use imap for all my devices but when it was part of madasafish it only seemed to support POP3.


Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,149
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Registered: ‎06-08-2018

Re: Freenetname passwords and imap servers

Hi @Maccheek,


The freenetname service is still managed under the Madasafish admin pages so you'll be able to change any passwords by logging in here. Once there click on Mailbox settings and you'll be able to change the password for your mailbox. 


The IMAP settings can be found below:


Brand Incoming Server (POP3)
Port 110
Incoming Server (IMAP)
Port 143
Outgoing Server (SMTP)
Port 25 or 587
Username Format Secondary Format Email Address Format Mail Capacity


Freenetname smtpmail.
[full email address] [username]




Posts: 2
Registered: ‎05-07-2019

Re: Freenetname passwords and imap servers

OK I managed to log in. Looks like I can still set up additional email addresses on the madasafish page as well Smiley

I was still having problems with those settings and I could not get the app I use on my Ipad to recognise the account at all (mymail). However, installing Outlook on the iPad seems to have solved the issue! It defaulted to the servers;


incoming server

outgoing server


These settings seem to work in outlook on the ipad as well apple mail on the imac (although only after a reboot - so possibly that was my problem all along) and on my android phone. 



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 1,915
Fixes: 75
Registered: ‎11-01-2018

Re: Freenetname passwords and imap servers

Pleased to hear that you've managed to get this working on Outlook and a few other apps, @Maccheek


There may very well be someone within the community that can provide additional info/guidance on MyMail, but I'm pleased you're up and running either way.


Best wishes

