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Amazon emails

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Amazon emails

Bob, as you appear to be around  Smiley
Just a general question.
I am subscribed to 2 or 3 Amazon emails, but have not seen any at all this week. Anyone else noticed this?
Before you ask, yes, they are in my contacts list, individually, and a 'catch-all'
Are Amazon being blocked?
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Re: Amazon emails

That's not something I can easily determine I'm afraid without having somebody trawl our logs. I'd be surprised if it's the case though.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Amazon emails

Thanks for the fast reply, Bob.
I thought you might have a sender blacklist you could access easily. I would also be surprised, but......................... Smiley
Dunno if my thread in Chat with the same title gives you anything more to go on?
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Re: Amazon emails

I'm not getting amazon emails either, since about the 12th Dec.

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Re: Amazon emails

Thanks MisterW - wonder if Bob might take a look seeing as I'm not the only one. Smiley
Checked with a couple of other people (on Virgin and Zen) and they are still receiving, so it does look like a PN issue.
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Re: Amazon emails

What particular email lists are you subscribed to?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Amazon emails

IN my case: Daily Deals, Local Deals and Computer & Technology
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Re: Amazon emails

It's actually SWMBO's email box but Kindle Daily Deals and Local Deals are definite ones that she's subscribed to. Normally she'll get 2 or 3 emails from Amazon a day, she just happened to mention to me the other day that she hadn't seen any for a few days. I checked her email box and the last email from Amazon was on the 12th. I'm happy to PM the name of her email box if you need it.

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Re: Amazon emails

Thanks, have subscribed to them so I'll see if I can work out what's happening.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Amazon emails

Thanks Bob

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Amazon emails

^^^^^^ and from me too.
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Re: Amazon emails

I've replicated the problem with the Kindle Daily Deal email. It seems that the messages disappear into the ether whether sent to an account with spam filtering switched on or off Huh
I've asked one of our engineers to see if they can spot anything in the logs.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Amazon emails

Just as an aside.
I use Gmail as my email provider and there hasn't been any issues with Amazon email on there, so unlikely a spam issue as Gmail is quite hot on spamming.
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Re: Amazon emails

Yeah, I'm getting them delivered to a third party as well and there's no issues. The headers etc. all look fine too, with the exception of the T_DKIM_INVALID Spamassassin rule being triggered. Not sure why that's happening but I very much doubt it's anything to do with why the emails aren't reaching Plusnet mailboxes.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Amazon emails

Thanks for the updates Bob/HMcB.

Will await developments after the hols.
As a point of interest, and don't know if it is relevant, but I've had a couple of spam mails to my old Tiscali a/c where the 'displayed' source is ''random string'
If I catch any more I'll try and capture the full header.