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Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-07-2008

Is my Hosting PHP enabled

I am trying to set up a CMS software on my server but it has been suggested to me that the server I am on isn't PHP enabled.
I have been able to activate MySQL so I am pretty miffed that one's available and not the other.
Please advise:  Is my server PHP enabled or do I have to use a CGI/Perl CMS software
Thanks in advance
Posts: 14,469
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

If you have MySQL you have php. It is on the ccgi server only which you need to activate on the same page as you activated MySQL.
Your www (homepages) webspace does not support PHP.
cgi/perl is only supported on the ccgi webspace as well.
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-07-2008

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Thanks peter
So from here what can we do?  Can you recommend a CMS that will work on our server?
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-07-2008

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Please advise asap.
Many thanks
Posts: 287
Registered: ‎04-08-2007

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Hello invisiblesec,
It appears you're realtively in-experienced using the standard Hosting provided by PlusNet is fairly standard anywhere you go,
so I assume you want something what will work out of the box.
*We use the term CCGI Server/Hosting/Space for the PHP Webserver Service on the Forums as a general term.
I advise before doing anything you first make sure:
1. CCGI Webspace Details - Username & Password & Host (ccgi.braudband supplier.ext)
Host is something like, or it depends upon which service you're subscribed to for Braudband.
The CCGI Username and Password for the CCGI are the same as your "Portal Username and Password"
which are the details you use for the Members Centre are the same.
2. MySQL Details - Host (humbug / rumpus), Username (Portal), Password (Given by Activation Mail)
3. Software
You will need to be comfortable with using FTP Software (of your own choice) which is the minimum to set up any Content Management System.
I advise using WinSCP & PuTTY
Personally because it provides better functionality for Commanding the Server as required.
4. Choosing a "CMS"
I personally would advise any of the following
CMS NameMy Opinion
PHPNuke: EvolutionHas much improved Security over standard PHP Nuke
JoomlaRecently become very stable and better module handeling
DrupalFairly simple CMS
E107none as such
MamboRated well by PlusNet Staff/Customers
MKPortalLight wieght, simple theme styles

There are lots and lots.
Check this WikiPedia - CMS List if you need other options.
I first recommend that you research your preference of CMS from what it offers in the way of:
1. Modules - extended functionality which your Website specification needs
2. Security - check for SQL Vulnerability of the Latest Version of the CMS,
by simply Googling this format of query "(CMS Name + version) (attack type)"
For example "phpnuke 6.7 sql injection ", "phpnuke 6.7 xss exploit"...
This is a MUST do step,
as security is a major issue with any website with dynamic content and any form of user input which has to be processed.
potentually you can risk issue with other customers websites, although this is not likely it is possible.
3. Feasability - It's no good selecting a bloated system with reguards to your specification,
especially with the likes PHPNuke if the default theme is too fancy (lots of images and graphics etc) it will start to exceed your Website Quota, it can cause problems for your website (especially for end users) - so check with a range of Web Browsers! (IE,FireFox,Opera,Flock...etc).
Just some considerations,
from here specific instructions can be followed if you follow up for any further help
Hope that helps!
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-07-2008

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Hi Jim
Although I have been a web designer for nearly 8 years, you are correct: I am new to Plusnet.  I have PHPMyAdmin set up on the server and a database appears to have been set up but from here I have not a clue. 
I do use AceFTP which has served me well for a good few years, but where would I add the installation files/folders?  I seem to only be able to access the htdocs folder (the static area).
Sorry about the questions but one has to start somewhere.
Posts: 14,469
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

Plusnet have 2 webspaces. The homepages webspace where points to and contains htdocs, and the ccgi webspace where points to and does not contain a htdocs folder. Only the ccgi webspace can run php/cgi scripts (as well as standard html/shtml etc).
As I said earlier, you have to activate your ccgi webspace just like you did for MySQL and wait for the activation email which then explains how to access it.
To access your ccgi webspace (once activated) use as the ftp host and your normal login/pass. The ccgi also has a command line shell (*nix) which you access by telnet to
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-07-2008

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

I have tried all this but on attempting to login to the ccgi folder it attempts to connect and then times out.  Also i cannot access i just get a 403 Forbidden page.
Its Ok I have contacted support as I think I know what the problem is.
Posts: 3,835
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Is my Hosting PHP enabled

A bit of an aside, but as it's missing off your list I thought I would say that I've started recommending Wordpress as a CMS when friends ask my advice. It's proving really successful for the people who took it ::).
Who would believe this was built with Wordpress?