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Is it possible to block a range of ports Technicolor TG582n

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎31-05-2014

Re: Is it possible to block a range of ports Technicolor TG582n

No had not seen that but the writers still seem to be having issues.
Many years ago I ran Smoothwall, which was a community firewall that ran on another computer bridged into ADSL.  I would have gone down that route if it was not for the power the older PC's take.
The Technicolor router are just basic devices I guess, no on off timers, not easy to monitor activity.
Just have to live with basics I guess.
At least I see it is not just me with concerns!
Posts: 73
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎07-09-2013

Re: Is it possible to block a range of ports Technicolor TG582n

I know this is an old thread but I felt I just had to confirm that I have managed this using the methods above (using telnet to write the rules including the ports). I have blocked the steam ports and then put the allow rule below and all the other traffic works. I have children who would rather play games than do their work.

One tip - write the rules in reverse order to the order that you want them. Create the allow order first, then create the gametcp and gameudp afterwards. The last rule that you create appears on top.

My next bit of work is to allow steam traffic to particular machines on the network - if one child does a lot of work, I don't want to exclude them from their games, just because the other child is being particuarly lazy. I'm guessing I would use the

Destination Address: __addr_local 

for this and then point that to the internal ip address? Anyone done this yet?

for this?