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Why are PN so slow dealing with CGI hosting issues?

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Why are PN so slow dealing with CGI hosting issues?

My web site hosted on the CGI servers was compromised on 7th January and wisely PN remove access (the exploit was published on the 6th and I was hacked on the 7th; patch produced on 8th). They advised that they would need to wipe my web space and I should rebuild from backups (which I have  Smiley ).  Since then PN have managed to change my MySQL password for me  on the 12th Jan (5 days after the event) and then despite two subsequent requests my web space is still locked and no effort seems to be taking place to get my web-space re-enabled.
I  know this is a very low priority issue for PN but three weeks is just a little bit steep. I am fortunate enough to have a more or less duplicate site on the PAYH servers so all I need is my CGI site back and I can use an htaccess redirect to my live server whilst I rebuild.
Seriously thinking of finding another hosting service.
(For information, the exploit was in  phpGedView "modules.php". I would advise anyone running this genealogy software to download the patch from the SVN service or as a temporary measure rename modules.php until the patch can be installed)

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: Why are PN so slow dealing with CGI hosting issues?

Hi Stuart,
Sorry for the delay.
I'll have somebody pick your ticket up shortly...

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: Why are PN so slow dealing with CGI hosting issues?

Cheers Bob,
I live in hope ... Grin
Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: Why are PN so slow dealing with CGI hosting issues?

Quote from: Bob
Hi Stuart,
Sorry for the delay.
I'll have somebody pick your ticket up shortly...

Hi Bob,
Thanks for your intervention.
Site is now active again and I'm commencing a full rebuild. Decided to ditch Joomla and try out Wordpress (more as a CMS than as a Blog) - and its looking good.