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New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

I thought it a good opportunity to upgrade my existing installation of PHPGedView (genealogy software) to the version that supports PHP5  (PHPGedView ver4.2.3).  The old PHP4 version has been a bit flakey for some time now.
I have followed all the recommendations on the forum for setting the file and directory permissions  ( 700 and  750 respectively). I have set config.php as either 700 or 770 but whatever I do the installer is not writing the configuration to config.php. Database table are being created on Humbug, but because config.php is not being written, no user accounts are added to mysql as its not saving the database info in the config. Strangely, the installer does a check on config.php and states that it IS writeable.
I'm now totally confused! Any ideas welcomed.

Community Gaffer
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Re: New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

Quote from: stuartp
I have set config.php as either 700 or 770 but whatever I do the installer is not writing the configuration to config.php.

SuExec won't like you making group permissions writable, what happens if you try 710 or 750?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

Hi Bob,
Tied 710 and 750 for config.php and the /index directory which has  to be writeable. No luck I'm afraid.  I have Joomla survive the upgrade so it cant be all bad  Sad
I can send you the path to the installer sub-dir if you want?
Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

More info:
My current version ( pre- site upgrade) of PHPGedView is written for PHP4.x.  (its ver 4.1.6) This works to a point except that I can not authenticate within the package to administer users etc. I get the following message at the login screen:

"This site uses cookies to keep track of your login status.
Cookies do not appear to be enabled in your browser. You must enable cookies for this site before you can login. You can consult your browser's help documentation for information on enabling cookies." 

- which is blatantly untrue as I have the same package running on the PAYH site quite successfully using the same browser(s)
Therefore it is impossible to login and update the package with new data, so it is now effectively frozen in time.

Since the current build for PHPGedView is written for PHP5.2.x  I have tried installing the latest version of PHPGedView  (4.2.3) which uses PDO  (which according to phpinfo is enabled on the new build). This version fails to write the config.php during install.  I then tried the  non-PDO release  (4.2.1) - same issue.
In both instances the configuration tool creates the empty database tables on Humbug but since config.php is not being written, the installer then fails to create the admin user account during its final step since its obviously trying to read the database settings from config.php from then on.
I have tried using Gabe's local php.ini and setting the local session path. I can see this directory getting populated but there's no difference in functionality otherwise by using a local php.ini or the global one.
I have now run out of ideas.  I I have disabled the root .htaccess (lost my SEF urls in Joomla but never mind!) during all these test so as not to complicate things.
Should I raise a ticket with PN?
Posts: 54
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: New cgi platform - can not install PHPGedView

I have a partial work-around. The problem appears to be with the Apache mod_security. If I include a .htaccess in the PGV root my installer runs successfully.
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

This will now run as www.site_name/~site_name~/PGVhome_dir/login.php ; so its not quite there but at least it works after a fashion.
Question 1:  How can I use htaccess to redirect to the "non-~" hostname?
Question 2 for PN gurus :  Why do I have to disable mod_security?    I have never seen this cause an issue on any other site. Is it implemented on PAYH as I have no problems there?