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Trinitarian broadband!!!

Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

My comment about having everything back to right was simply that I now had the internet connection operating normally, as it was before I started the tests that I was asked to do by Anotherone. The printer, also, is working again. Smiley
I am trying out various bits of euipment in the house as today goes on - switching on/off, or starting up (as in the central heating) at random times to see if anything freaks out the signal, around the time they would normally be on, or off, as the case may be.  The fact that items have been removed cannot be relevant since if they had been at fault the problem would stop at their removal.
I live on in an area of mainly professional people, so no factories or shops in the immediate vicinity (though my house doesn't meet the standards of those around me - maintained as it has been by a committee). When the problem occurs it usually during some time off (or at least, that is when I know it occurs - I have not been able to see whether they are the only times because it may happen when I am not here, I suppose, although the holiday period was clearly quiet. It happens, usually, when I just relaxing and reading or watching tv and occasionally checking facebook etc. There is no one else in the house, although my daughters do visit at times with their computers; it has not happened when they have been here, yet.
The flow chart for noise is showing a drop from 6.8 to 6.6 for the past 20 minutes - I am watching to see if this is a lead in, but I don't expect the regular hit today.
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Just a thought from my brother - would the router lease time be set to three days? 
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Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

It shouldn't be, the default is "always on" which the reset should have restored had it been accidentally changed.
Thanks for clarifying that it might have happened when you hadn't noticed, but as you say things were "quiet" whilst you were away.
You are no doubt looking at the Downstream SNRM plot. You will see small variations generally, +/-0.1 is very typical. Have you got the Average plotting turned on (the pink line)?  - that should remain pretty stable in daytime in the absence of issues.
What you'll be looking for are "spikes", ie sudden, usually drops, down and straight back up. You may also see steps down or up - the larger the step, the more concern or interest one may have, in what it is. Look out for both of those as you switch stuff on and off, it may help point a finger.
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Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Oh, just to add one other change in the graph to watch for is a gradual decline in the SNRM which may occur after something is switched on and may or may not be preceded by a step. You'll see changes in a downward direction occur ask dusk/darkness arrives, to explain the detail will take a while, one of us will do it later.
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Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Quote from: avodat
Do you want me to leave the computer running all that time 24/7?

Hi Avodat,
Yes please.  Given that we do not know when this will happen or if it happens and you are not aware of it, constant monitoring and review of the graphs saved in the folder where you placed the program is highly desirable.  If you have an interesting graph you want to share then click on the "additional options" below the reply box.
The fact that the graphs are reporting 6+dB means that the change in target SNRM proposed by Chris some weeks back which failed has now been successfully changed.  Sight of the current router stats when you have time please would be useful.   Expect that the synch speed will be around 1Mbps less than it was, but with lower error counts.
There is some possibility that the removal of this one contributory factor (error rate) is enough to eliminate the issue.  If it does, you could leave it like this or use it as a pointer to address the other contributory factors and get your speed back.
You keep making references to a step event in May giving rise to this issue; there is equal possibility that something has just continued to decay to the point that the issue can no longer be resisted - that is the tolerance threshold has been exceeded.
It is now wait and see time!

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Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

My brother has had not too dis-similar problems with PlusNet - he lives in a very posh part of the capital and eventually ditched them in frustration!  Telling times, eh what? It seems to me that most of the posts on these fora are about drops in signal and/or dropped connections - obviously quite a problem.
Yes, I'm looking at the downstream plot - there is no average turned on (it was not, I assume, one of things I was told to configure). However, at the original 6.8 measure the line had small ups and downs, but now it has dropped to 6.6 it is a largely steady line with just the occasional, small 'up'.
I am trying to run a normal 'day off' pattern, using all the various bits and pieces. So far, incoming call, kettle, tv, radio x2, central heating, tablet, mobile, laptop, the Merc car being washed by my neighbour (a regular Saturday morning event, whether it is rain or shine; I feel really sorry for the guy as he stands in the rain washing the Merc!!)
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Townman - thanks, I'll do that.
Re your last point, the point I have laboured to make is that we have a given fact that the problem started near the end of May. Therefore, whatever continues to manifest itself as that fault must have been there from the start of the problem and, as the problem continues, it must still be here (internal or external to the house). Therefore, logic dictates that any new items added, although they may make it more acute, could not be the original cause. Logic also dictates that items that have been removed from the house could not be the problem because the fault continues to exist without them being present.
(sorry, just using a little basic philosophy here).  Wink
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Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Kevin will explain how to turn on the average plotting for the SNRM.
Your philosophy is of course correct Wink
Who did your brother go to?
What a lot of people fail to realise is that Plusnet (nor any ISP) maintains or repairs the line between them and the exchange or the equipment in the exchange (if not LLU), that is Openreach and BT wholesale. Faults there are outside their direct control, but whilst they have the ability to do a limited range of testing and then pass any fault on to BTw and/or OR, those organisations don't always get to the root cause of the fault.
When you consider that Plusnet has getting on for 3/4million customers, the % that have line faults is very small. And remember that a lot of the BT/Openreach infrastructure is quite old, although a fair bit is being updated, one sometimes wonders that broadband works at all!
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Anotherone - I only included the 'philosophy' because we seem at times to get bogged down with what has been added / taken away since May - that is irrelevant, unless the fault suddenly stops at the removal of something that has been here since the end of May, or an external event ceases that has been going on since the end of May Smiley
My brother switched to Virgin.
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Townman - here is the data from the RouterStats page entitled 'Router Stats'. The noise line continues to run smoothly as at this point in time.
Uptime: 0 days, 11:16:49    DSL Type: ITU-T G.992.5   
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 1.215 / 12.959   
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]: 22,01 / 35,95   
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12,3 / 0,0 
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 10,8 / 22,5   
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 5,9 / 6,6   
System Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / ----   
Chipset Vendor ID (Local/Remote): BDCM / IFTN 
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 0 / 0   
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 0 / 0   
Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0   
Loss of Link (Remote): -   
Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 577 / 0   
FEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 0   
CRC Errors (Up/Down): 17 / 821   
HEC Errors (Up/Down): 11 / 1.886 generateTasks() 
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Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Quote from: Anotherone
You'll see changes in a downward direction occur ask after dusk/darkness arrives, to explain the detail will take a while, one of us will do it later.

You are of the right generation to explain this very easily!  Do you recall back in your youth listening to all the "new" music being broadcast on "continental" radio and radio Caroline?  Do you remember needing to wait until evening to get a better reception and that they used to fade in and out?  That's due to MW radio transmission travelling further at night.  Today, those same signals are in the same frequency band as used by ADSL and thus they interact with the broadband signal, lowering the SNRM.  That can be anything up to 2-3dB.  If your line were overly susceptible to this (and we should see that tonight) it could have wiped out your signal.
Your brother's experience is interesting, it could point to the stability of the router in stress conditions, similar to your problem. I do not want to wind you up, but having sorted line and internal wiring issues before (pub problem referred to by Anotherone) 20+ day connections were not uncommon.  At home I'm using the same router on later firmware an am approaching 39 days continuous connectivity.  I'm hoping for 40 days, but today it is persisting precipitation!
You should expect disconnections from time to time due to no obvious cause during the small hours of the morning.  These arise from maintenance activities.  Your drops appear to be usage (stress) related.
Bright idea (and warning - see below) - on router stats, it would be useful to set an alarm for SNRM variation (say 20%) and or loss of synch.  Have a look at the alarm tabs, they are reasonably straightforward.  One tab selects the alarm conditions, the next the actions - just make a noise!  When the event happens you'll hear the alarm.
CONFESSION: Now you have router stats running, there is something important you need to know - it has a wee bug in it which could "miss inform" you.  It can get the sequence of messages from the router confused, thereby incorrectly report (plot) the router as being disconnected.  It does not happen often.  You can tell if you have encountered this condition by looking at the SUMMARY tab - if this is largely blank, the link is down, if it is filled with DATA (usually 'tone bins') then you have hit the bug.  It can recover on its own if left alone, however the recovery time could be minutes to days.
To rectify this condition, click the black square (stop plotting) followed by the green triangle and all will be well again.  Setting an alarm to alert you to this condition will enable you to guard against the condition persisting for hours, thereby rendering the monitoring useless.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Synch speed is down, but still above the estimate for the line.  There us room for improvement if you want to look closer at the internal wiring when time permits.
You appear to be on FASTPATH (no REC errors) which is good news!
Other error counts seem reasonable.  Error seconds is running at about one every 75 seconds - sorry I do not have a judgement call on that.
It is now wait and see!


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Actually Kevin it should have read "as dusk/darkness arrives"  Wink It does depend a bit on what's happening in the atmosphere on the day.
I'm glad you made that  "confession"  Smiley as I was going to PM you to ask are you going to mention it or am I.
In my experience, the issue can crop up when the cumputer processor gets 100% usage with another task. The remedy as Kevin explained is the stop/start button, no need to close it down. Visually you will see a clean step down to zero on any graphs that are plotting and then a clean step up again when restarted. The pink average plot if on, will take a while to recover to the correct place.
On the stats, avodat, did you perchance restart the modem/router last night around 11.20pm? Other than that, error rate seems quite reasonable.
On the subject of interference, even new equipment that's been added may exacerbate the situation if it is generating  "electrical/electronic noise" so do check if it has any effect when switching on/off.
Now, I'm keen to see the Telnet Router log that you can get from Routerstats now it is running, that Kevin was also so keen to see. It could be more relevant now the modem/router has had a clean start. Because it also has a limited size, although bigger than the GUI one, it will eventually get full of irrelevant garbage that is of no consequence.and we may miss seeing something of interest.
Posts: 128
Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

I am used to confessions - don't worry.
I recall listeing to Radio Luxembourg on a crystal set in my bedroom and the struggle to keep the set in tune, and Radio Caroline with people flashing their headlights as they went along the stretch of coast,
No, I did not re-start, or notice a fault, at 11.20 last night.
I'm off out now for a while. I'll look at the chart when I return.
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Trinitarian broadband!!!

Telnet log!