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Latency Graph

Posts: 130
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Latency Graph

Could someone have a look at this ping graph and let me know if there is anything that needs to be done to reduce the spikes or does it look OK?. Thanks
Posts: 94
Registered: ‎09-07-2012

Re: Latency Graph

Are you using your broadband during these 'spikey' periods? In particular what was happening around midnight?
On a Plusnet connection I wouldn't expect to see high latency spikes caused by downloads due to their QOS but this kind of graph could correspond with high upstream utilisation.
To solve that you would need to add your own upstream QOS into the mix.
Is it FTTC or ADSL?
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

I am on ADSL, I was asleep at midnight and as far as I am aware the internet was not being used
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Re: Latency Graph
You leave a pc active and something was active you don't know about
Someone in your house is online without you knowing it
Someone is leeching off your un-secure wifi
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

My wifi is secured. All PC's were switched off. My daughter said she used her phone briefly
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Re: Latency Graph

Your graph points to some thing using your connection.  I would disable wifi and make sure all pcs/laptops are off for one night and see what happens
FTTP 500 regrade from Tues 28th November
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Re: Latency Graph

This could be a wifi mobile device uploading photo or video.. this seems more intensive on the upload since the latest smart phones record in HD and create larger files and is most noticable on ADSL connections.
Posts: 130
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

When reading these ping graphs, What exactly should I be looking for. I assume dropped packets are bad but what else?
Posts: 94
Registered: ‎09-07-2012

Re: Latency Graph

Have a read of this:
Also for dropped packets you are correct. Have a read of this:
The yellow spikes aren't too much to worry about although a bit odd if you think nothing is using the connection.
The high yellow line can be caused by just one ping out of 100 in that time period being high as it is plotting the maximum. E.g. 99 at 10ms and 1 at 200ms.
Blue is the average response over 100 pings (One per second).
If this starts creeping up you are more likely to notice it while using your connection for latency sensitive things like gaming.
My bet is still on uploads for those big blue spikes. As Kevin says it could be something like an Ipad/phone backing up to icloud.
It's surprising what smart phones/tablets can get up to when you are not watching  Smiley
Have you had your upstream uncapped by Plusnet?
When capped the upstream bandwidth is barely enough to cope with the ack packets from a 24 Mbps connection download.
Posts: 130
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

Thanks for the post it was helpful.
Here is my graph for today.

I have been uploading some big files to cloud storage over past couple of hours. Also first thing this morning. Not sure about all the red - dropped packets
Yes upload has been uncapped
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Re: Latency Graph

greshoff is that fibre or just standard broadband? That's look awful - which gateway is it?
Posts: 130
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

It is not fibre, ADSL2 . What do you suggest I can do to improve things. Not sure about gateway, how do I find this out?
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Re: Latency Graph it will tell you which gateway are u on it
Posts: 130
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Registered: ‎29-01-2014

Re: Latency Graph

Thanks for that. It says I am on -  pcl-ag07
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Registered: ‎01-06-2010

Re: Latency Graph

No problem. More information of gateway here:,123979.0.html