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Plusnet helps to bust Internet jargon

Plusnet helps to bust Internet jargon

Plusnet helps to bust Internet jargon

jargon_banner Today our very own Nick Rawlings will be joined by Lucy Hedges, gadget reporter on BBC 2’s Something for the Weekend, to speak to radio stations across the country including Pure Radio and Sun FM about the findings from recent Plusnet [1] research. Also ready for discussion are some handy hints and tips from Plusnet on how to be internet savvy. nick_radio Over the past few weeks, we have been asking the nation which tasks they feel most confident doing when it comes to using the internet. Particularly poignant this Christmas given the explosion in personal computing and many people hoping to find a new tablet, smart phone or notebook computer under the tree on Christmas morning! It has uncovered a few interesting stats including the fact that despite 59%[2] of UK households owning internet enabled PCs, over a quarter [26%] are not familiar with terms such as bandwidth, wi-fi, cursor, router and download. We also found out that the over 55s are more clued up than the kids think! The research found it was those over 55 who scored well with jargon-busting, as a healthy 72% claim they understand all of the terms perfectly compared to only 61% of those aged between 16 and 24! We’ll be tweeting events from the studio.  In the meantime, here’s some handy advice to make the most of your internet connection... 1. The survey was conducted by Opinion Matters between 11th and 15th November 2011, and included 1,096 respondents 2. Ofcom, June 2010

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