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Tuesday 5th May

Tuesday 5th May

Tuesday 5th May

Hello Rea...

Morning All! The Customer Options Team (COT) have been working their socks off today following the Bank Holiday weekend. Tuesday becomes the new Monday and I think they've all coped very well. We're looking forward to the roll out of a new tool on our internal system. This should hopefully make assisting all our lovely customers just that bit faster and easier for them and us. Every little helps as they say! It's generally been a good day on COT, despite the turning of the weather. At least we got a good weekend's worth of sun which I think is the best we could've hoped for! The start to another glorious British summer... Smiley

Woah... Heather posted the Customer Options EOD so early (10.57) that it cut into today's intro! She's either left early or that was meant to be the Customer Options Start f Day (SOD).. who knows? No point in stopping now, here's Chris from Comms...

Commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms Yep, it's our EOD. It's another pseudo-Monday which means a short week again. So let's find out what we've been up to. I've been looking at some problems and doing some internal documentation. Matt's been doing some tasks and helping out on reception. Mand has dealt with problems and change controls. Bob was spotted in the forums and going to some meetings. James has been primarily in the forums. I'll leave you with today's comm-ic.

Yes, we like Pseudo-Mondays, don't we Web Team?

Hello, Mark here from the Web Development Team. Reporting on what we've been doing today. We all love Bank Holidays, but they do leave you slightly disorientated when you run through your Monday routine, a day late. For slight novelty value, I'll report by desk rather than team member - On the Eastern Desk (Socialist Republic of Tea Drinkers) We've been working mostly on project related stuff, our project to refresh the Phone products is reaching melting point. Phil and James have both been on holiday, leaving us with no heavyweight php abilities.  Our respected leader, Jonny has been overseeing a project which will roll out in the wee hours of tomorrow. On the Western Desk, our Help and Community bods have mostly fixing website problems. I look across and see them sitting in a zen like state of total concentration, aren't deadlines great. Thanks for reading. Have a great evening/morning/afternoon...

Thanks indeed, have a good day readers, see you next week!

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