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Friday 27 March

Friday 27 March

Friday 27 March

Hello, it's Carl from Technical Support. It feels like it has been a long week, and many people are looking forwards to the weekends, but don't forget that we are always here. First off, here is an update from the Customer Support Centre: "Matt from the CSC here...and this is my first end of day posting so I guess i'm still learning at Plusnet! Its been another busy day in the Support centre be it faults, technical or customer service queries we've all had our fair share! Although I do believe the faults team had a chippy dinner and didn't ask me so shame on them!! Fortunately for a lot of the guys and gals on the floor its the weekend tomorrow so there's plenty of pre-night out excitement keeping people happy (not me though, this is day 1 of 4!) so the friday spirits are high! Hopefully it'll be a quiet weekend on the phones in preparation for another busy monday! TTFN!" Next up is Chris from Comms: "Comms EOD time, in twitter form leviaxxan: @jameseh @bobpullen @elaborate_ploy What've you all been up to today then, for EOD purposes? bobpullen: email issues, personal tickets/pms, various tasks, twitter, usenet and net-ops change control. jameseh: @leviaxxan Today I have mainly been looking at forums and drinking tea/coffee and abusing @adiewoo leviaxxan: I've been looking at some internal documentation, blogging and loving Link elaborate_ploy: @leviaxxan today I have been mostly arguing with managers, chasing problems, laughing @bobpullen, and sorting out next week's project work For those unsure, the twitter usernames are: bobpullen = Bob jameseh = James elaborate_ploy = Mand leviaxxan = Chris See you next week. Chris" and last, but by no means least, is the lovely Jen from HR: "Well, a quick rattle down of the full week from a HR perspective is.... Monday - Gemma was off on hols, we had some new temps starting, did some reporting on starters and leavers, a bit of recruitment stuff and finalised the Partnership Group agenda to send out to all department reps. Dev had their employee opinion survey session to come up with an department improvement plan. Tuesday - Amanda was offsite for the Leadership team meeting, we had a company induction for new starters and spent time reviewing the staff broadband policy and checking and chasing performance reviews. Wednesday - IT was Amanda's turn to have a day off and Networks' turn to have their Employee Opinion Survey session, we were working on some employee relations stuff. And I was trying to finalise reception cover for my day off on... Thursday - well, I'm sure they must have done some work while I was on holiday yesterday....yep, that's right, they were updating the staff broadband best practice, working on the 360 degree review timescales and dealing with employee change forms. So, we're on Friday now....we've had our team meeting this morning and rattled through topics as broad-ranging as employee training and development, employment law updates, staff benefits and holiday policy. We've also had the Partnership Group meeting this afternoon...which went pretty well IMO...defintiely a positive end to the week." See? I told you that we are all busy! Anyway, enjoy the weekend, and see you soon. Carl

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