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End of Day: 20th May

End of Day: 20th May

End of Day: 20th May


Crikey, is it really the 20th of May already? It seems that each day seems to be coming quicker and quicker... I thought it was only older people that said that, but it turns out it's the young un's too.

Kevin from the CSC brings us today's Top 5:

  1. Faults (Updates) - Prompted by voice mail or SMS from the faults team or they have been advised of further checks and call back in with extra details regarding the outstanding fault.
  2. Router config - Mainly new customers getting stuck setting up for the first time, or wireless issues initially connecting to the router. Also a few generic routers being bought and needed basic instructions on setting these up.
  3. Email - Sending & receiving, usually corrected by giving the customer the correct settings, or adding extra mailboxes for an extra user on there network following a new computer for the kids or partner.
  4. Provisioning updates - As simple as it sounds, a good sign that people are eager to test our service and try to download the whole Internet and email.
  5. Failed Billing - Some customers calling in clearing outstanding balances then getting there account reactivated, from its failed billing status.

A mixed bag there... next up with the Medical update is from Marketing Martyn:

I'll start by dealing with the big issue... the state of Chris's elbow. I reported yesterday that it had swollen to freakishly large proportions, but today it's looking a little bit better. Still not right by any means, but it doesn't look quite so weird. For medical buffs out there, he's got a nasty case of Bursitis .

On to marketing matters then. Today we've been working on some more homepage updates and also more promotion of the My broadband usage site ( ). We've had a couple of meetings and we've also been working on a couple of problems. See you all tomorrow.

Networking Neil brings us the update from the top floor:

A fairly quiet one in Networks today - the usual problems, tasks and roadmap work plodding along nicely...... The PARBIN guys are now nearing the end of their mentoring phase with respect to learing all about Network Support Tickets and we're really kept on top of these today. We've also got the traffic prioritisation sorted for the Age of Conan game which is a nice touch!

It's fairly obvious from a scout around our internal forums that the main focus for Development is currently Bugfixing following this weekend's rollout, with bugs being fixed left, right and centre. However, it's not only the main focus in Dev, with the Web Development team also focusing on Bug fixes and continuing working on some small developments.

Rupert was described this evening as a Pushmi-Pullyu being pulled from different projects... although his main focus has been on Email handling. James continued his development and bug fixing, but this time on the work he's be doing for Customer Content. We seemed to end the day on a humorous note with various people in the department telling jokes before we left.

Right, tomorrow is fast approaching, and for some reason I'm doing a presentation on how to blog tomorrow to some members of staff, so hopefully we'll see more posts appearing!

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