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End of Day: 20th January

End of Day: 20th January

End of Day: 20th January

Today I've mainly been tearing my hair out trying to figure out why Internet Explorer 7 works one minute then stops workiing as soon as I turn my back/close my eyes/breath. I'd love to know how much IE costs the industry each year in wasted time trying to work around stupid bugs. I bet it's enough to fund a manned mission to Mars. That would be much more fun. Elsewhere, James has been testing stuff for people and developing a plan for upgrading the Community site to the latest version of WordPress. Mark's been writing text for some new system emails. Phil's been working on templates for the account change pages. Dan's been working on problems along with Gary and Andy. Duffy's been working on the Home Phone control panel. Colin's been on NADS (little bits of work that are smaller than a project). Kelly's been in and out of meetings and also working on ISO documentation. Oli from Business Support has this to say:

Today we have mainly been busy dealing with a number of new tickets being raised for the team. There has also been a steady flow of calls but nowhere near as many as yesterday (well it was Monday after all). After a discussion with the guys on the team we haven't noted a specific type of issue/problem that customers have contacted us about today, all of the common causes apply: faults, provisioning etc. The faults have ranged across all of the different types that we deal with, no real pattern to these just naturally occurring issues. We spend time liaising with BT Wholesale to ensure that faults are fixed as quickly as possible. The calls coming in today have been no different as often this is the only way for the user to let us know that they have a problem with the service that they would like us to investigate. Lots of provisioning to do as usual today, this ranges from new activations to migrations from other service providers or line modifications such as Interleaving or line speed changes.
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