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EOD: 27th July 2009

EOD: 27th July 2009

EOD: 27th July 2009

I bet you thought I'd forgotten this huh? I'd actually written everything at 5.30, and then I got logged out of the site and lost the post - most annoying.  So I emailed myself the EOD reports and decided to do this from home. Then I got distracted by Table Tennis on Wii Sports Resort - tis very good, hence the late posting! Lets get back on topic, here's Nick from the CSC - he's sounding pretty chirpy!

Howdy - the typical sickeningly happy post from the CSC (or maybe it's just me): Well, it's back to work for me today after a nice holiday (or 'staycation' as the papers seem to insist on saying), and as ever there is no gently working your way back up to speed here - right back into the thick of it today! It's nice to be busy, and good to be chatting you to you lovely people again 🙂 The newest member of our team, Chris, seems to be settling in very well. He's proving popular with the customers anyway, as I've had two callers compliment him to me today. Always good to see - although he stubbornly refuses to have his pool playing skills tested. Maybe I should ask a team leader to add it to his training regime. From the floor today we kicked off with an email issue which has been affecting a very large number of our customers. So if that was you, I hope it didn't cause too much inconvenience. I believe we're back on top of it now. Other than that, the normal sort of thing - giving the initial checks to people with intermittent or dropped connections, chasing ongoing faults, and requesting help with initial setup. Customer Services must be doing a great job because I've literally only dealt with pure tech issues today. Good going, I think. Personally, I've had a much higher than normal number of people call up with data transfer problems, but a quick poll of the other agents suggests this isn't a major problem elsewhere. Sadly, there's no way to log an official complaint about the weather. Rain should be banned on holidays, especially if it's every single day of it. Still, it's nice to be back. So now I'm going to get back to it - over and out!

Sticking with a theme, here's another Nick with the Web Team update...

Another Monday rolls around and here's what's been keeping us busy today: Gary (Mr. Trickle), Sam and myself have been doing some bugfixing most of the day, with Sam also doing a bit of an update job on some old-style pages. Duffy has been getting his head round our new versioning control system, plus popping in and out of various meetings. Sadly, we've now lost Phill from our EOD' he's now moved desk over the other side of the Dev floor. But I'm sure he's having fun over there in a code-y kind of way. [waves to Phill] Lastly, I have to mention it as well...what IS with the weather? One minute it's black as night and hammering down with rain, 10 minutes later it's blazing sunshine! Crazy.

Crazy indeed, I walked to work in a monsoon (ok so I exaggerate a little) and by the time I'd walked home I had sunstroke! I'd love to finish the post with a Hat Trick of Nicks, but sadly there aren't any Nicks on Comms, never mind though -  Mand will more than make up for it...

It's Monday, and I thought I'd write an EOD since I'm enjoying a 2 day working week this week. Smiley OK, so on with the business of the day. I've asked the guys what they've been upto, as I've been away from my desk most of the day. James: 'learning how to use Paint, and forum stuffs'. Chris: 'magic stuff'. When pressed for a more serious answer I got 'router stuff, blog and looking after the CSC'. Nothin' magic about that as far as I can see. Bob: change control approval, usenet/twitter coverage mainly and some Giganews contract detail Matt: He's not here so I can't ask him, I'm going to assume forum, change controls and rubbing cream on his poor sunburnt head. Me: meeting-tastic day for me today, along with a whole load of sekrit projekt work (not secret for much longer though ;)), and recovering from a pretty hectic weekend :). Anyway, enjoy your Monday, and we'll see you same time, same place tomorrow.

Thanks to todays contributers and to YOU for reading! I'm out, see ya.

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