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Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

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Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Now that I have a working Windows 7 Pro, on Virtual Box on Linux Mint 19.1.  I am going to need a relatively lightweight Anti-Virus prog to install, as Microsoft are discontinuing updating and supporting Windows 7 from Jan 14 2020,

I have used AVAST and AVIRA before, and they seem to be reasonably good on a mainstream setup . How much resources/space etc will they use on my new setup  ( as outlined above ).. I  do not know... 

so.... I am asking for expert opinions and suggestions, as to which Anti-Virus would be suitable.

Thank you.


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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

@shutter, why are you doing this to yourself?

You are wanting to migrate to Linux because of the impending demise of Windows 7 so why on earth install it on a VM and prolong the agony! Why not take this opportunity to ‘sample’ Windows 10. That way you won’t need to install anti virus as Defender will do that for you.

Remember is not just you that Windows 7 support is stopping for, but everyone, in an attempt to drive them to Windows 10. So having a Windows 10 install makes way much more sense to me as that's what the majority of people will move to.

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Or set up a dual boot system......dead easy, even I can do it !

Keep windows 7 but do not use it on line, just use it for all those programs that run on windows.

Only use linux mint on line, as you know this gets regular updates and imo is much faster to update than faffing about with some anti virus program needed for windows.

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

@Anonymous   The main reason I want to keep Win 7 is that ... I like it ! !... I have tried Windows 10 downgrade, and don`t like it. there are a few "features" that I use quite often on Win7, that have been removed from Win 10... therefore it is a downgrade

One of the features will need at least three separate operations to produce the final result that just one click on Win 7 did.

You have already been tasked  asked, if you can produce a document file converter for my MSPUB98 documents  more than 10 years of them.  because MSPUB98 will not work with LINUX even through WINE...  and they will not convert easily into Open Office format.


  @gleneagles  I already have this machine with dual boot, win 7 and mint... but it is a bit "clunky" when you want to open a document in windows,  and have to close down linux, then wait for windows to boot up and then close down windows after the document has been dealt with.and then wait for linux to boot up again, before you can continue doing other things.

so... having Win 7 working in Virtual Box... and having MSPUB98 working in WIn 7 working in Windows,    solves that problem. as it is "almost" as easy to click on the VB (to access and use the programs) icon, or have VB running all the time in the background and just open the window to work on it,  much easier, less clunky and time saving all around. I can also do the other stuff that Linux cant do by keeping the same programs that I have always been using.

Linux does have some "similar" programs to "some" of the Windows type progs I use, but again, they are not so user friendly, and I feel ill at ease with them. And a lot of the progs that I use do not have a comparable linux version, nor do they work through WINE on linux..

I want to have an antivirus prog on Win 7 for the odd time that I MAY want to go on line whilst on the windows 7 ... and it makes sense to have the lightest on resources as possible, to ensure that there is some protection available for those odd occasions.


You may think that the last couple of days has been a lot of effort, and some may also say, a bit pointless, but to me, it is just proper preparation being put in place, NOW.. when I have the time to learn and do it all, rather than at the last minute trying to cope with getting to grips with the downgrade of Windows 10. 

Incidentally, despite all the hype about it,... there are still many bugs in it, (downloads and installs blocking and freezing the computer for hours when you are trying to use it, etc...etc... etc... )  from what I have been reading on the forum... yet it is supposed to be an improvement on W7 ...





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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Fair point @shutter, I know what you mean, better the devil you know etc.

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020


I won't comment on anti virus programs as I know that they also have to be free and that you believe that any-one who pays for a service is crazy..

Have you looked at the free version of Zamzar for converting your old publisher files?

When did you last look at Win 10? Some Win 7 features have reappeared over the last few years.

I agree that Win 10 updates can be a pain for some people. Personally I haven't ever experienced being locked out for hours due to an unexpected update. I have however found that I have had to update drivers after an update to restore functionality. I have just updated my laptop and instead of waiting for it to happen automatically I have fixed a time to do it then gone into Windows update and forced the update to start straight away.

At least with Win 7 come next year you won't be bothered by updates.

I too have played with the Cinnamon version of Linux Mint 19.1. I have put this onto an old laptop for a friend and the improvement was incredible. However I have found that I have such an investment in Windows software that I will stick with it until Microsoft decides to charge a license fee rather than flip flop between the two..


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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

@Baldrick1  Yeah, I have been looking at conversion programs since I first heard about Linux Mint, when it was version 8  . must be about 10 years ago now! ! ! ... been playing with it every time it brought out a newer version... so am "fairly" familiar with how it works.. just some things seem to be made difficult  "as a matter of course".... I mean... why do they write an O.S. that needs a geeky nerd  to write another two or three program bits ( apps or whatever they are called) to get the USB slots to work... and then you need another geeky nerd to point you in the right direction to be able to get them working... weird or what ...

As mentioned, quite a lot of "windows" type programs/apps will work now with Linux, once you have installed WINE  ,. you just have to download them and try them... and then if not.... try to find a Linux equiv/similar type prog.... .. but again.. it needs some perseverence to get WINE installed and working before you can download and .exe the windows progs in Linux.

Personally, I am not going to be going into Windows 10 downgrade version, even if, as you say, "some of the win 7 stuff has re-appeared"... again... why was it removed from a perfectly good o.s.?   Answer.... Because we can... and did..   Is probably the right answer..


I have plenty of time on my hands for messing about with trying to get these things sorted and working...  but am trying to do it now... instead of at the last minute... when it would probably end up with more frustration, and Windows 10 downgrade to finish off with.


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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Just to update my readers ! ! !.....


All the Windows Updates  (over 120 ) have now been installed, in the Virtual Box version of Windows 7 Pro. and it is running just as if it were on the main frame hdd... No problems with getting the updates... no problems using the internet... Firefox for surfing... or for getting emails on Thunderbird.  I have got GOM player installed, and it works perfectly, on my music videos... My DTP program MSPUB98, also installed with no problems, and I can access my documents through  "copy and paste" (from the original WIN7) on to the VB Win7, with ease... so no conversion needed any more.. AND I can still use my favourite program without having to relearn how to use Open Office for documents..  Got my Printer installed, both wifi and wired again.. no problems there.


It was a bit of a "hard slog" to get it all together, but thanks to the folk on here, AGAIN, I think the effort has been worthwhile... as now, I do not have to worry about downgrading to Windows 10... in fact.. by going all over to LINUX MINT... every thing will be an UPGRADE and Windows will be just a click away on an icon on the desktop, instead of having close down, and reboot every time.   Might even consider removing the original Windows 7 install, to give the Linux more HDD space...


@Baldrick1   This may be something you should consider doing... as mentioned,  you can run a lot of Windows type progs in WINE now... and the latest version of WINE is much easier to install on Linux than it used to be.  having done it... you just download your windows type progs and .exe  the download as you would for WIndows operation... those that do not actually work in WINE you can then install on the Virtual Box Windows..  and have them instantly available, as mentioned above.


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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Worth checking out the native Linux applications such as Libre Office etc since the Windows 7 applications aren't going to be supported forever.

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

@VileReynard wrote:

the Windows 7 applications aren't going to be supported forever.



Thanks for the information... maybe I should read through this thread Undecided

And the other one too.....

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

@VileReynard wrote:

Worth checking out the native Linux applications such as Libre Office etc since the Windows 7 applications aren't going to be supported forever.

Of more concern to me is that Microsoft Office 2010 will also stop being supported next year. I guess that this will mean a swap to Libre Office and Thunderbird so I guess that it might be worth thinking about it then.

To be honest though I have no issues with Win 10.

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Re: Windows 7 Pro, Anti-Virus after Jan14 2020

Office 2010, .... Hmm... I don`t think that will be a problem... you don`t use it for "on line" stuff, do you?  only for documents and spreadsheets etc? ? ? 

I would think that most of Office 2010 stuff will be easily converted to Open Office / Libre Office,.. if you use the "open with....."   when you come to use the files....


MSPUB98 docs do not easily convert..hence my wanting to keep Win 7 and use it , rather than having to open each document then re-saving it as .rtf  or something that OO will recognise... but then... it may not display correctly.