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Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

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Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

Got your attention?  Good.
Many years ago a work around, if you forgot the code to a coded radio and were locked out,was to put it in the freezer for a week. Apparently it used to kill all the energy stored in it and wipe the flash memory. I never tried it, but am assured that it did work.
I have a tablet that is stuck in start up.I cannot get past the start up screen to restore  factory settings. So I was thinking maybe I could try this. Nothing to lose - it's just an oblong frisbee at the moment. Can anyone tell me what is likely to happen to the lcd screen though? It would be pointless if it destroyed the screen, as I wouldn't know if it has been successful.  I could dismantle it, but to be honest can't be bothered with all the fiddling about.
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

have a look at this video... and read some of the "authors" comments.... one refers to being stuck in start mode...
he reckons that is caused by the battery being duff......
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

What tablet is it (make, model, 3g/Wifi variations, etc.) may I ask? If it's a cheaper tablet, they're known for conking out and getting stuck in startup, but if it's a more well-known make & model, it could be that it needs feeding to a desktop computer and using the manufacturer's software attempt to recover the device (Samsung has this with their Kies software, dunno about other manufacturers)... Smiley
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

If you can open it up it might not be too difficult to remove the LCD and just freeze the rest of it.
If freezing any electronics that might contain residual voltage (batteries or low-leakage capacitors) it's essential that there's no moisture present as this could condense during freezing and short something which could blow if there's still voltage around.  Make sure it's as 'completely dry' as possible (bag of rice??) and then seal it in a plastic bag before attempting to freeze it.  If you have any silica gel sachets these can be dried in a low oven (not micrrowave :P) then packed with the item to absorb any moisture as it freezes.
As 2cv mentions many manufacturers have 'recovery software' - if the tablet manufacturer doesn't you may find that the chip manufacturer does (e.g Media Tek for MTK series processors).
Also worth looking here: for info / advice on many Android tablets.
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

Thanks guys. It's a cheap Chinese one. Recovery is not important, I have just bought some new ones. I'm really just doing this to see if it can be done, and if it works.
I will see about removing the screen, and got a drawer full of silica sachets so well do that too. Will let you know what happens.
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

put it into an airtight tub with some bags of dessicant for a few hours on the worktop then put the still sealed container into the freezer,
this does two things, one it removes the moisture two it stops the device being accidentally activated

there used ot be a video of what happened to an lcd screen that was powered inadvertently when frozen, it blew out half the freezer due to the moisture having ingressed into the screen layers .......
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

If it's a cheap chinese one, then the following site may be useful (assuming yours is one of the makes/models mentioned):
If that's the case, freezing the device ain't going to fix corrupted firmware, if anything it'll burger up the lithium battery... Smiley
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

I once "froze" the display of a laptop PC when I was on holiday in the winter in Montana USA. I forgot the device was in the car when I parked it outside of a motel. The overnight temperature was about 5 Deg F (-15C). The display partially worked but not enough to use the laptop.  It seemed to survive the ordeal when I tried it again a couple of days later.
Now Zen, but a +Net residue.
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

It's amazing how modern tech survives..
When i was in hospital last year a nurse while tinkering with my drip, managed to pull the connectors apart and spill the drip all over my netbook  Shocked Luckily it was turned off at the time, she was panicking so i said "quick, open it up and put it over the radiator" (I was in a bed next to the window). Anyway left it there for a couple of days and despite the odd sticky key here and there (which eventually loosened up) it was ok. Unfortunately it now stinks of multivitamin whenever the fan turns on and it also randomly looses it's network connection which forces me to reboot it (and yes i've reinstalled windows before anyone suggests it).
Mobiles seem to be getting better at surviving too. The number of times i've heard of people putting them in a bag etc and then the phone coming back to life... i have to wonder how on earth things don't sizzle internally  Huh
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

a lot of companies now cover the main board and parts in a thin layer of protective sealant, in a few years there going to be covering them in nanotech grease which will make them water repellent, the cheaper stuff is still unprotected though and some of the sub £50 tablets make a nice firework display when dropped in bucket when switched on ......
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Re: Putting my tablet in the freezer for a week

A bit of silicone grease would be quite sufficient.

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