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Intel Security Flaw

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Thanks for the link @30FTTC06, but if the Steve you are referring to is Steve Gibson then I'll not bother I do not hold him, his products or anything he has to say with any regard.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@Anonymous Anybody you can point me toward that you think may have a clue about such things in the detail that most people can understand then ?


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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@30FTTC06 Please remember that the above is my opinion of him, but TBH I and many other's think he's an idiot but if you are happy with his explanation then that's fine. As I don't know what he was going to say then all I can suggest is that you read reputable sources like,, or maybe this

That is the great thing about the freedom of speech, we are all entitled to our opinion.


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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@Anonymous At least he's a capable idiot.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Well if you're implying that I'm an incapable idiot then thanks for that.

Do a search on him and read some of the more historical items.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

I might have said this before, or it may have been on another forum I frequent, but two things kind of stand out to me (1) the problem, if that's what you want to call it, has supposedly been around for 10+ years (some claim longer) with no known exploits and (2) according to the reports, you have to personally be irresponsible to invoke either exploit.

I'm not a conspiracy believer, but something nags at me to say there is something afoot.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

If you give some thought to the complexity of a CPU, its design and implementation it is very, very, very complicated. Think back 10+ years when malware wasn’t so prevalent and you may have a situation where the exploits that exist now may not even have been considered as a possibility back then, if fact the tools to create them may not even have existed.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

I understand that @Anonymous, but I still don't quite understand why it has suddenly become the next big IT disaster, considering it has been around for so long and the 'bad boys' are quicker than the 'good guys' when it comes to exploiting a flaw.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Well that goes back to what I said above @jab1, it was maybe never a consideration or even doable back when these chips were designed. The flaw may have been in existence for 10+ years but the physical design of the processors will themselves have taken years.

Also as it applies to multiple vendors it is not the ‘fault’ of any specific vendor, but a flaw in the overall design process / structure of how a CPU is made and how that integrates internally.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Yup, understand all that, @Anonymous. What some of the more alarmist articles seem to suggest however is this is Armageddon for the IT industry, but that has been claimed so many times before that I, personally, take it with a pinch of salt (or even pepper, if I want to sneeze).

I know it's no individual manufacturers 'fault', but remediation seems to only be possible by junking everything in existence and starting from scratch? Never going to happen.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@Anonymous wrote:

Well if you're implying that I'm an incapable idiot then thanks for that.

Do a search on him and read some of the more historical items.


No thats not the case at all, I can see why you would think that after calling someone an idiot though.

Erm... I'm just trying to make things as updated and safe as possible, and I'm also considering PC upgrades but the confusion on threads just isn't helping me to make a well rounded decision. At this point I'm looking at 2 1800X cpu's because thats what makes more sense with prices and the fact that I no longer have faith in Intel, Is it their fault ? well maybe not who knows.



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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@jab1 - Armageddon for the IT Industry, reminds me of Y2K. Smiley

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Exactly @Anonymous - and how did that pan out?  VERY damp squib, if I remember correctly.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

@30FTTC06 wrote:

@Anonymous At least he's a capable idiot.

@Just to clarify, the above is directed at me using the @ Wink But I still think Steve Gibson an idiot, and even if you were calling me that, I don't mind, I'm quite thick skinned. Tongue

If you want real protection then all I can suggest is that you wait for a new generation of processors or buy what you need now and ensure that you have the latest updates applied as provided by the manufacturer.

I also don't think it's Intel's fault for reasons stated above.

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Re: Hope this dont slow down my i7 :(

Y2K didn't happen due to years of work by a large number of programmers (including me). Bugs were found, and squashed.

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