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Rising Star
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Registered: ‎13-08-2019




Just moved from Virgin Media to Plusnet.  Also recently changed from Linux to Windows 10.


Just using the built in Windows 10 firewall.


Went to the GRC Shields Up website, and did a scan.  I was alarmed to find that I failed the port scan test, which previously with Linux/Virgin Media I was 100% 'TruStealth'


The ports are 22, 53, 80, 110, 443, 500, 501, 502, 600 - 614.


On my Plusnet Hub One router, there are not a great deal of firewall options to adjust.


My question is, what can I do to improve my security?  Perhaps it is due to Windows 10? (I am new to Win 10. been using Linux for ages)



Rising Star
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Registered: ‎02-04-2008

Re: Insecure?

It may well be due to your Windows 10 configuration - as I've just run a full GRC Shields Up scan using macOS 10.14.6 (Plusnet Hub One etc.) and received a 100% "TruStealth".

Hopefully some knowledgable folk will give you some advice on how best to configure your system.

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Registered: ‎22-10-2015

Re: Insecure?

Got 2 laptops here running W10. One runs a full blown virus package, the other just has Windows 10 defender running on it. Both come up with 100% TruStealth. I don't use PN own router so can't help there but running the W10 laptop with Windows defender on it direct through the modem (no router) still shows 100% TruStealth.


As @toggie101 says, you might need to dig somewhat into the security side of W10 (i.e. windows firewall) and see what the settings are - mine are on defaults. Might pay to run some Malware software.

Ever helpful. Grin Sure, I’d love to help you out. Now which way did you come in?
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎13-08-2019

Re: Insecure?

Actually, I think I sussed it out.

I was looking at just the Windows firewall and router configuration page, these are quite locked down however.

What I just found out is there are more broadband firewall settings when I log into my Plusnet members account. Mine was set to off, so selected low, and re-run the tested again. Now shows all stealthed!

Just threw me a bit, as I thought all router firewall stuff would be controlled on the router configuration page itself, not the Plusnet website member area.

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎13-08-2019

Re: Insecure?

Interestingly, the port scan still fails if using a VPN, but is true stealth when not using the VPN.

I guess this is because the Shields Up website is testing the VPNs router firewall this time?
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Registered: ‎22-10-2015

Re: Insecure?

@OhWell wrote: What I just found out is there are more broadband firewall settings when I log into my Plusnet members account. Mine was set to off, so selected low, and re-run the tested again. Now shows all stealthed!

Thanks for the heads up. Didn't even know that section even existed. I'll go have a nosey! Smiley

Ever helpful. Grin Sure, I’d love to help you out. Now which way did you come in?
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Registered: ‎25-08-2010

Re: Insecure?

@OhWell I have always had the broadband firewall set to high and have never had anything that I wanted blocked as a consequence

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎13-08-2019

Re: Insecure?

Are you talking about the broadband firewall setting in the online Plusnet member account, or the one on the router configuration page?

Also, do you use VPNs, file sharing (torrents) or any other services that might use certain ports?
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Registered: ‎25-08-2010

Re: Insecure?


I am referring to the the broadband firewall setting in the online Plusnet member account

Yes to the second question

ps On Windows 10


Rising Star
Posts: 86
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Registered: ‎13-08-2019

Re: Insecure?

Mine is passing the Shields Up scans just on the low setting, so I'm happy with that.

I was at my parents house today, and they got the Sky Hub. As an experiment I did the SU test on that, and that too was failing, albeit just on the respond to ping test.

Went into the router settings, disabled the respond to ping on wan settings, and voila that too passes with flying colours.

Why can't the ISPs just set these as default if they are a potential risk...
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Re: Insecure?

It isn't really a very severe test - I have Plusnet's port blocking switched off entirely - but because all these routers use NAT you have to have a very poor network set-up to fail on Shields Up!

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."