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Google Chrome video problem

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Google Chrome video problem

Here is a weird problem for the Forum, but first a little explanation. I am a runner with a back injury. My GP has recommended I watch a Pilates video that is on the nhs web-site, and do the exercises on it. I use Google Chrome on my desktop pc, and I have no problem with this video - except for some exercises done laying on the floor - I cannot see my desktop pc monitor when I am laying down. However, my wife has a laptop pc, so I use that, putting it on the floor when necessary. However, when I start this video on her pc using Google Chrome, the picture part of the nhs video goes black so I cannot see what the instructor is doing. The still picture is there visible in all its glory until I hit the Start button. When the video is running, I can see the text (what the instructor is saying) and can hear the instructor talking. Its just the black picture that is the problem, and its just the video picture that has gone black. Around the nhs video, the rest of the screen is working normally. There is a get-around to this - the laptop also has FireFox. If I use that to watch the video, the nhs video works perfectly.

Yes I know I can get round the problem by using FireFox, but I find it irritating when there is a problem, and I want to fix it, not just avoid it, so the question is "What do I do to fix my wife's Google Chrome video problem?"

Thankyou for any help

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Re: Google Chrome video problem


Mr. Google himself would be my first port of call in trying to solve your Chrome video playback issue as it could be caused by any of a number of different things.

However, a quick search for "nhs back pain pilates workout" finds a video which plays back OK on my version of Chrome, and although I know you said you'd like to fix the problem, if it's the one your're having problems with it may be useful to know it's also available on YouTube at:

Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Google Chrome video problem

That is indeed the video, but finding it isn't a problem. The problem is running it from Google Chrome, but thanks for your help

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Re: Google Chrome video problem



In the back of mind I have a thought it's to do with "use hardware acceleration when available" found in Settings >System

If it's Off try on, if On try off

Hope this is it!


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Registered: ‎04-11-2011

Re: Google Chrome video problem

Hardware acceleration would also be my thoughts, given the issue description.

HTML5 is probably being used to play the video, in browser (most videos are these days).
That's RPM to you!!
Aspiring Pro
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Registered: ‎03-08-2007

Re: Google Chrome video problem

Sorry for the delay in replying. My thanks to @Dan_the_Van  and @RPMozley . Turning off the "use Hardware Acceleration when available" seems to have fixed the problem.
