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Rubbish customer service

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-01-2014

Rubbish customer service

For 6 weeks or more i have been getting constant dropouts poor speeds and to boot plusnet have breached the contract i have with them. I have left them 3 messages not one reply i have tried ring on several occasions and it rings continously or it rings 4 or 5 times then i get disconnected SO i have cancelled my direct debit and im returning to sky. So are you listening plusnet cancel my contract, in the meantime i am waiting to hear from ofcom to see what they can do. I've had enough i'm outta here.
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎26-11-2012

Re: Rubbish customer service

It's unfortunate that you've taken this action.  I'd reinstate the DD if I were you and then work more productively on resolving the issue.  Unilaterally deciding that PN are in breach of contract and the breaching it yourself can only end badly.    Sad
Have you run through the tests at for instance?
There were some problems with PN's phone system yesterday morning but normally you should end up on an admittedly long queue,  not a dropped call.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-01-2014

Re: Rubbish customer service

i've tried all the checks SEVERAL TIMES with no joy and my dd was cancelled cos i don't pay for a service i don't recieve i don't really care if it ends badly or not. I had this problem a few years back with talktalk, i left sky to come to plusnet as everybody was bragging them off and how good they were MORE FOOL ME i want my contract with plusnet ended asap.
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: Rubbish customer service

Regardless of the merits or otherwise of your problems there are two things which you need to understand
If the problem is with the physical line then it will be the same whichever supplier you use. When you say you have carried out the checks how many visits have you had from a BT Openreach engineer
Cancelling the direct debit will almost certainly lead the system to refer your debt to a debt collection agency and will very likely land you with a black mark on your credit record
Rising Star
Posts: 186
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Registered: ‎28-01-2013

Re: Rubbish customer service

As the other posters have pointed-out you, are really going make more trouble for yourself by cancelling
the direct debit.
I would reinstate it and try and sort your problems out with Plusnet first and then discuss with them if you can leave your contract early.
Posts: 418
Registered: ‎17-01-2013

Re: Rubbish customer service

I have had exactly the same problems as the OP. Six weeks since opening the ticket, three engineer visits and it's still not sorted. Worst of all, they take a week to reply to my ticket and don't even properly address the issue. It really is incompetent!
Would I cancel the DD? I'd love to and am sorely tempted but I don't think it would do any good.
PlusNet really need to pull their finger out though!
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-01-2014

Re: Rubbish customer service

So basically what your saying is put up and shut up and pay plusnet for doing naff all, the question is would you all pay for a crap service. I have reinstated my DD but at the same time have sent all correspondence to ofcom to show them the inactivity of plusnet and ultimatley and drag the waste of spaces drag them through court if need be for misreprentation in their tv ads as they are falsley claiming they are better than any of the others which they are certainly not, and don't comeback with any bull saying i haven't got a case i have according to my solicitor.
Resting Legend
Posts: 38,460
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: Rubbish customer service

Have you had a BT engineer out to check your connection
Posts: 1,898
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Registered: ‎20-10-2012

Re: Rubbish customer service

Won't the OP need a 'Deadlock' letter for Officialdom to get involved?
Rising Star
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Registered: ‎18-01-2013

Re: Rubbish customer service

Quote from: sparks2035
So basically what your saying is put up and shut up and pay plusnet for doing naff all

Nope - go through the appropriate route for troubleshooting, give PN a chance to get your line sorted in a timely manner and make sure you don't break any part of your contract.
If Plusnet then fail to provide your service and won't let you out of your contract / refund your downtime etc. then you are in the perfect position to take it further through any higher authorities.
I will say though, work with Plusnet and give them a chance (on the forums) to get it sorted as you may have the same issue with your next provider who may be "even worse" than Plusnet ......
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Rubbish customer service

@sparks2035 and @Steevo,
You are both in a similar unsatisfactory position.  You are having a poor internet experience due to the condition of BTOR equipment / infrastructure compounded with PlusNet's tardy responses to your tickets.  The volume of tickets over all is a direct consequence of the former - if BTOR did a better job of fixing and maintaining their equipment we would all be in a better position.
Knowing this does not fix your issues, but it does out a different slant in things.  Steevo has had 3 engineer visits and they have not got down to the bottom of his issues - inbound calls trash his broadband service - this is all far removed from PlusNet's part of the service delivery.  Sewer word filters inhibit the use of the most appropriate words to describe BTOR performance in some parts of the country, let's just say it is incredibly poor!
What has happened so far?  Has a fault been raised here or have you only tried to call the support centre?  Are you ADSL or FTTC?  Is there noise on the phone line?  As asked above, have you had a BTOR engineer visit yet?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 105
Registered: ‎05-08-2014

Re: Rubbish customer service

Hi Guys
@sparks2035 , I can see that a complaint has been raised on your account which I will pick up shortly and respond to you via the ticket in question, hopefully I will be able to resolve your problems swiftly
@Steevo, could you possible DM me with your account username so that I can pick this one up for you