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PlusNet User Survey

Posts: 25
Registered: ‎21-10-2011

PlusNet User Survey

I received today a request from a company claiming to be acting on behalf of PlusNet to complete a lengthy survey about my level of satisfaction with PlusNet services.
I was happy to answer the questions about my experiences with PlusNet Broadband and completed the first 75% of the survey.
However, the survey than started asking questions about personal matters such as my ownership of the house, my source of income and the nature of my employment.
Quite frankly, this is none of your business ... and indeed to answer such questions could constitute a security threat.  I declined to answer any more questions and terminated the survey without submitting it.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: PlusNet User Survey

Hi waltdav,
Thanks for the honest feedback, we'll make sure that's passed on for you. I can understand your unwillingness to complete the survey, and thanks very much for starting to fill it out as well Smiley
Posts: 25
Registered: ‎21-10-2011

Re: PlusNet User Survey

Thanks, Matt.  I appreciate that.
It's a pity, because all my comments in the earlier part of the survey were favourable.  I am very satisfied with the service I receive from PlusNet.
Kind regards,