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Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎06-08-2015

Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

Hi let me tell you my story,
i not so recently moved house back in 26th of june, i informed plus net of this at the time aswell and was plesanlty told they could continoue my service in my new flat for slighlty cheaper if i signed up to a 24 month contract. which i decided to do. so moved in to my new flat was expecting the services to start working after a couple of weeks tops so waited till then for plusnet to contact me, they didnt, so i rang them up asked what the problem was only to be told my order had been canceled because of the old providers of the flat claiming that they where still providing the internet and phone service for the flat. which was annoying but hey thats not plusnets fault is anyway they replaced the order again for me and the guy on the phone said id recive an email in 5 minutes time verfiying all this...didnt recive any email of them so waited another day incase there was a delay then rang them again to be told my order was placed due to the fact they couldnt find my address on there directory (even though they had no problem with that when previously placing my order the first time) so again they took my order for the 3rd time and i was told the 28th of july my service would be up and running which is over a month when i first contacted them but no the story doesnt stop there! on the 28th still had no internet so rang them again, they said they need ed to send an enginer out the sort the problem and they could get one out till the 3rd of august. this was getting quite annoying now and i was losing my patience but i thought its not worth canceling and trying to get it sorted somewhere else because that would probably take longer. so the 3rd of august rolled round and the enginers came and i took a half day of work to let them in they took nearly 2 hours to sort it and as they left they told me it should all be working now unfortantly i didnt have time to test the internt myself because i had to get to work so tested it when i got back from work to find  to my amazment it still wasnt working!! so rang up once more to see what the problem was they said apparnetly the enginer had signed of the work on there end and to wait 48 hours, so i waited still nothing and rang them again...and was told that the order for the internet was placed wrong so and it would need to be canceled and reordered and the women on the phone said that she should be able to get that done for me in 24 hours. well 24 hours later and still no working internet. rang up again. "your order has failed to process sir" i can replace the order for you and get it fast tracked, so today i was sent a text saying the new completion date for my order will be the 20th of august!!!! NEARLY 2 MONTHS AFTER I FIRST INFORMED THEM OF THE MOVE!!!! but thats ok beacuse they offered me 2 months free internet (sacasm)
i thought of cancelling and getting internet provided elsewhere but rang them up and in order to do so it will cost me £290 so they have royally screwed me over so so so very badly
if theres any advice i can pass on to my future children and to anyone who choses to read this, it is this
Sorry for my spelling im dsylexic?!?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎10-04-2014

Re: Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

Sorry for the problems that you have had.
Quote from: adamward10
"your order has failed to process sir" i can replace the order for you and get it fast tracked, so today i was sent a text saying the new completion date for my order will be the 20th of august!!!!

It'll be earlier than this. We have to place a standard order before we are allowed the opportunity to expedite your order. I have asked one of my colleagues who are in early to pick this up tomorrow.
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎06-08-2015

Re: Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

oh wow thats fantastic news its only going to of taken 1 and half months to get my internet sorted instead of 2
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Re: Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

A warm welcome to the forums.  Matty has been short on the reasons for the delays, however experience suggests that your unfortunate experience has the hallmarks of a LLU circuit returned to BT OPENREACH.  Do you know who the previous provider was?
ISPs such as Sky and Talktalk use LLU services, which connects the phone line direct to their equipment in the exchange, using a phone number owned by them.  When that line is released back to BTOR physical changes need to be made in the exchange and records relating to the line need to be changed; in such circumstances the existing phone number is also lost from the line / retained by the LLU provider.
This process can go wrong within BTOR with the likely consequence that any existing order on the line will fail / be rejected / cancelled by BTOR.  I suspect that in such a scenario a "take over an existing working service" order had to be replaced with a "provide new service to a non-served location" order (in effect provide a 'new' line).  The need for an engineer visit rather supports that theory, as a take over of an existing working line does not normally require a home visit.
I suspect that you do not really care about why it's gone wrong, but simply want a working service, as do we all, however understanding the processes does help identify the right body to blame.  Every new 'touch' from BTOR on a service provide order seems to take at least one week.  Getting a new line installed where there are difficulties within two moths is at present good going!  Personally I'm on two and a half months for a business line whilst BTOR get around to trimming a tree growing around their telegraph pole.  PlusNET have done everything they can to progress matters, but BTOR continue to drag their feet and seem incapable of getting a plan together.
Hopefully you will soon be sorted.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎06-08-2015

Re: Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

Thanks for the explantion it does help a little. i have no idea who the previous providers where. its just very frustrating as nobody has explained to me why its taking so long, plus the fact ive had ring up plusnet 11 times to get them to chase up the problem and i suspect if i hadnt then this process would of taken twice as long. know one seems to care to inform me of the problem and keep my in the loop. even if it is BTOR that is holding things up, i still see it as plusnets fault, as they are the ones who im paying to sort this out in the time frame they first suggested it would take when first placing the order and they are failing to do so. had i know it would of taken this long 2 months ago i would of just stuck with the previous providers as not having internet for this long has potentially cost me a signifacant amount of freelance work.
cheers anyway.
Posts: 24,490
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Plus net and there horrificly bad serivice

Given that you are using the service for business purposes, I trust that you have ordered a business service and not a residential service?  The use of residential services for business purposes is forbidden in the T&Cs,, also business services get a higher priority with BTOR - not that that is helping getting the tree cut on my order any quicker.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.